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  • Join me in congratulating Shasta County for studying chemtrails!

    Shasta County Board of Supervisors Votes to Study Chemtrail Threat

    The Shasta County Board of Supervisors wants to see what’s in those white streaks following jet planes in Northern California skies. Supervisors said they want to know if the cloud-like trails are contrails – made of ice and condensed water vapor – or chemtrails, a chemical mixture sprayed to influence weather.

    In a unanimous decision during their regular meeting July 15, Supervisors David Kehoe, Leonard Moty, Pam Giancomini, Bill Schappel and Chair Les Baugh agreed to determine if the county’s current monitoring program is up to detecting the presence of aluminum oxide nan-oparticles in the air, water and soil.

    Schappel rejected a suggestion from county staff to rely on federal studies on the issue, stating, “Any federal information will be skewed. We need a local study, then take the results to the feds and say, what about this?”

    Richard Simon, Director of the Department of Resource Management, said the Air Quality Management District had jurisdiction over the issue and does test for “fine aluminum.” Asked by Schappel if that includes nano-particles, Simon replied, “Presumably so.” Simon’s response was met with several calls of protest from the audience. Baugh recessed the meeting for 20 minutes to restore order.

    Kehoe said he was disappointed no representative from the office of Congressman Doug LaMalfa attended the meeting. Declaring, “Let them see the passion we saw here today!” he suggested providing video copies of the testimonies from the public be made available for all elected officials.

    Giancomini made the motion to investigate. After the motion passed, the audience broke into sustained applause.

    Record turnout

    This ruling came after more than three hours of comments by dozens of concerned citizens. As the meeting convened, Baugh announced the crowd, which filled chambers with people standing against walls and spilling out into the lobby, was the largest that he had ever seen at a supervisors meeting. Loud speakers were on in the lobby so those who couldn’t find a seat could listen to the proceedings.

    Baugh estimated the number attending at close to or exceeding the 299 limit.

    The first member of the audience to comment was Dane Wigington, a Bella Vista resident and the featured speaker on a free DVD being distributed at the meeting titled “Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization.”

    Wigington made a brief presentation on what he called “scientific geo-engineering methods.” Asked by Baugh why he thought this was being done, Wigington said he believed it was for influencing the weather. Pointing to the mechanism of spraying chemicals into the upper atmosphere he said, “We have a contamination issue that is a danger to the public.”

    Friends, this is such good news! We have known for quite some time that the NWO is using chemtrails to not only manipulate the weather, but also to make the American populace docile and dumb.

    I pray these officials in Shasta County will blow the lid off this scandal, and I further pray that no mysterious "accidents" befall any of them.

    Won't you pray in agreement with me?

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  • #2
    Re: Join me in congratulating Shasta County for studying chemtrails!

    I googled cumulimbe from the image in the post above and they didn't give any results. Are they just making stuff up, now?
    May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


    • #3
      Re: Join me in congratulating Shasta County for studying chemtrails!

      I think the government might be suppressing your Google results in order to hide the truth!
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      REGISTERED SPIRITUAL PREDATOR, and prohibited from sending or receiving personal messages, text messages, or instant messages to forum users below the rank of True Christian™. This user is further prohibited from engaging with any persons in real-time audio or video "chats" via Web cams, Skype, Facetime, or any other Internet audio/video technology or service.

