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  • PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

    This thread contains some of the emails sent via Send an email to the Senior Pastor.
    Also included are some replies from Pastors. We do not post them all in order to legitimately protect trade secrets. They are in quote boxes like this one.
    This is just a small sample of emails and replies, chosen more or less at random.


    Good Afternoon...
    I came across your website while browsing through the internet. I was very disturbed by what I found... I read in one of the forums that you and some of the members of this site were harrassing two girls. I've been Saved my whole life, and I understand Christ to be a loving, forgiving, and understandable force. So I'm wondering why you would harrass, judge, and shun these girls as if you were the Lord Himself. What I saw displayed on this website is very similar to what most middle and high schoolers deal with on a daily basis: Bullying. The Holy Trinity is in place so that people can learn the ways of God through their own path, and people like you are *supposed* to be in place to HELP guide them when they may have questions or are confused about it. It isn't right to harrass people like that just because they don't see things the same way that you do. On the contrary, if you feel that she will be damned for coloring her hair blue, then please show her the scripture where it
    says it's wrong to do so. If you feel that she is damned because she is goth, then you should explain to her where you got that information, and help her to find a better path.

    Church isn't here to bring people down, it's here to help *guide* people towards Christ, and build them up while doing so. I hope to hear back from you soon, Pastor...

    With Peace,



    Hi I am new to your forum and happened across it as I was doing some research on Armenians. I am not sure I understand your site and forum and would like to be better aquainted with it if you don't mind. I posted a question to I guess another user trying to better understand the ideals and creed of your site. I got a message saying I was 'banned'. It doesn't bother me about being banned, but if you guys are trying to save souls then that is kinda 'anti-God' isn't it? I wasn't trying to offend anyone as I said I just happened across it. Anyway, Have a great day.


    Emergency Fund for Medical Support (EFMS)

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    The World Health Day (WHD) was observed in Bangladesh as elsewhere across the Globe on Tuesday, the April 7 2009 with the speech "Safe Lives". I also agree with their commitment. I believe people for people. There are millions of organizations who are working worldwide. I believe somebody or group of people who started the organizations & now people are benefited by their organizations. I also inspired with their work & so in 7th April I already start an organization named Emergency Fund for Medical Support (EFMS) for the poor Christians who can't bear their medical expenses in Bangladesh. I am writing you from Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a poor country. So we have not enough facility for the poor people for their treatment. In our Christian society many poor people are suffering chronic diseases, but they have no money or they have no ability for their treatment or sometime they don't share it with others. Even in sudden accident they can't bear their expenses of treatment bec
    ause in Bangladesh treatment is very expensive. Basically most of the poor Christians are live in villages. So they live hand to mouth. The local community people & also the church are poor. So it is very difficult for them.

    There are many incidents we are facing regular in our daily life & we are loosing many Christian's lives. So in this situation we need your help. I am not doing this for my personal benefit because I am also a sufferer. The first contribution is come from me, which amount is $100.00. In this situation I want to take the responsibility for do something for my brother's & sister's.

    So I again request you please save our lives! & Share it with your friends.

    God bless you.

    Contact Address:
    Founder: Emergency Fund for Medical Support (EFMS)

    Originally posted by Pastor Al

    Dear cretinous brown monkey,

    Thank you for contacting Landover Baptist, the richest church in America.

    We understand that almost all of the freshwater supply in Bangladesh is poisoned and tens of thousands are drowned every year in weather-related events. We didn't become rich by tossing money away on mud turtles that GOD spends almost all His time trying to drown and poison and we certainly do not intend to work against His will.

    My advice is to take your next hundred dollars and buy a ticket to Pakistan where you can at least have a future as a suicide bomber before our anthrax experiment reaches a town near you.

    best regards
    Pastor Al

    I would like to report your church for unChristian activities. Your church is an extreme liberal group against God and all that stands behind good Christian values. I hope you burn in hell. To say some of the things you say, you are driving more away from God than you are drawing to him. I am male conservative that believes and feels that we should all work toward a better world which is safe for white women and children. What you believe to be the treatment of women is closer to the teachings of islamic extremeism. In your threads you talk of hitting pregnant women in the stomach... isn't that hypocrytical (if damage is done, possibly death to the unborn). So please, sir... especially is this is Pastor Ezekiel... Go f*** yourself, and burn in hell; because you are the biggest piece of s*** that has ever stolen air from good people. I seriously hope that you are wrong about it all and burn in Hell, because if this is a glimpse of Heaven, I don't want to be there with you or your

    Thank you.

    Thanks so much,as u ve remember dis day,u shall be like those in psalm 146:5 all d days of your Life,remain bless,Jesus' Love.Bye Chosen One

    The Landover Baptist Church Forums wrote:
    > Hello chosenone,
    > We at The Landover Baptist Church Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
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  • #2
    Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!


    http://www.dirtyunclesam.com makes a factual showing of how high treason was committed to create a different form of government that what our founding fathers set up(gun laws,income tax, national debt,90% of the laws and government)an illegal act done through the unconstitutional citizenship of the United States created in 1868 Washington D.C. District of Columbia Incorporated doing business as THE UNITED STATED 1871 a different form of government than the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.See where the state of TEXAS gave up a Republic form of government. A 16 minute all factual showing with documents you can view and download proving such,all free.Ray Riggs 352 464 3246.
    Ray Bruce Riggs


    Ok,you have banned me for two years,but, are you so afraid of the truth that you have to change my signin name and delete my posts,shows how much of a coward you are,you wouldn't reconize the truth if it bit you in the arse,you self righteous,pompous, wife beating pratt !!!




    Rock music does not promote bad things!!!! You my friend are wrong. I could find 10000s who agree with me. If I could find you I would lock you in a room playing AC/DC around the clock. Grungers are people they have dreams and aspirations for education and life. If Jesus was here he would kick you in the balls.


    I would just like you to know that I am on neither side of the debate of Christianity VS. Atheism VS. the rest of the world, although I still follow a moral code similar to your ten commandments. I have looked upon your site and the teachings of your forum from not only yourself but others and the only feeling I can possibly label for my current state is disgust. You advocate self-crucifixion but don't believe this is blasphemous effigy? It's absolutely appalling that you would mock your own religion in such a fashion as to believe in your heart and soul that it is not only appropriate, but homage. Also, telling another living being that they are going to go to hell for what they believe based on your judgment and interpretation of the bible is the same thing as putting yourself in the position of God Almighty to judge of the sentient beings of this planet. Last time I checked the black and white print of The Holy Bible, that counts as blasphemy. The big one. The unforgivable
    sin, by your sick and twisted perspective. You have a lot of growing up to do.

    Sincerely yours,
    The Reverend Godless,
    Kristopher Superstar


    You are a wanker. Go die. Jesus hates you. Nazi racist.


    I apologise to you absolute twat


    You say the Catholic Bible is based on Paganism. Just what do you think the king James Bible is based on if not the same ancient writings as from the Catholic Bible ( Ancient Greek, Roman, Hebrew and Arabic scrolls). Paganism was in every ancient culture - including Hebrew! To get Pagans to convert to different beliefs, a lot of their pagan traditions were incorperated into the new religions ( a lot of their pagan traditions were'nt harmful or hurtful - so why not keep them?) Paganism was the 1st original religion! 2nd - Much later, Hebrew/Jewish religion came into being. 3rd - Roman Cathlicism came into being. 4th - Your King James bible was created by Englands King in the 1500's from all the ancient religious Hebrew/Jewish and "CATHOLIC" writings (that originated from the ancient scrolls which were written mostly by Pagans and /or other pre-Christians groups). King James had his own spin put on the new bible so it would better suit his political needs at his time of reign!
    The story of Adam and Eve in the King James bible is not true at all (but then your christianity teaches we shouldn't question it)! Man and womankind existed before Adam and Eve - the Hebrew/Christian bibles did not acknowledge Pagans, therefore they claimed Adam to be the first human (and made by God).This was a good starting story for the new religion to get a firm politicical/religious grip in their ancient culture! The original (1st record ever - before any Hebrew records) of the so-called 1st human ever, was recorded from a story in Mesapotamian/Arabic. That story says the 1st man met a woman who already existed ( Lillith). She was his "equal" and had a mind of her own. In that era (as it is today in that area) a woman was considered a mans property (not his equal) He was to control her and she was to obey. Lillith would not allow herself to be controled by the man in any way- so the 1st man was going to distroy (possibly kill?) her and she fled from the 1st man and Ed
    en forever ( the story continues to punish this strong woman by claiming she was turned into a horrible creature, who couldn't birth children, so she decided to kill babies whenever she got the chance)! The man then took a second wife who was submissive to his demands! This story existed in Meso. several hundred years before the story of Adam and Eve in Heb. I'm always amazed how people really are ignorant to the point of gullablity, they believe anything/everything they read in the bible, and they don't even try to search for the real truth (as God wants us to know the real truth, not some humans twisted stories that are said to be Gods words)! I have been on a personal quest for truth for the past 50+ years! What I have discovered is: A person can only find the "REAL GOD"/"the REAL TRUTH" within ones soul/heart because falsehoods abound in "ALL RELIGIONS" of the world - yes, even in your religion - yes, even in your bible! It's not Gods fault! It's the fault of man
    kind! God makes no mistakes - only humans do! I do not (nor will I ever) belong to "any" religion for that very reasonI Nor will I ever set foot in "any" church for that very reason! God is my teacher -truth is, I want for nothing! Can you say the same?

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    • #3
      Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

      I was reading some of your posts regarding the death of Michael Jackson. Let me tell you what, I have never read something more utterly distasteful in my life then the things you wrote about Michael Jackson. Let me paste what you wrote here just in case you forgot:

      Well PRAISE JESUS! It's about time that Jesus sent this jigaboo freak to hell. Ever since he did that tribute to satan called "Thriller," I have been praying for his painful death.

      And you are a freaking PASTOR??!?!?!?!?!?! What kind of talk is that? You have a footer on all of your posts stating those who Jesus will damn and send to hell, and you state these hateful things? You wish that he would have a painfull death and you call him a jigaboo freak?!>!?!?!?!??!?! What the hell is wrong with you?!!! You think that you are saved and you have the BALLS to damn other people to hell after making such hateful statements? The first group of people who you claim Jesus will damn are hypocrites…YOU ARE A HYPOCRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are not a “TRUE CHRISTIAN” you are an absolute disgrace! You do NOT demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, you portray God as someone of vengeance and hatred for the human race.

      Here is another excerpt from another PASTOR:

      It looks as though a certain kiddy-fiddling ex-Negro and washed-up, talent-free former pop star has departed Neverland for Eternaltormentland.

      This is from PASTOR Issac Peters, another self proclaimed “true Christian”!!!!! WHAT IS THAT?!?!?! Is that how true Christians talk?

      What church do you serve at? I would LOVE to know. Is this a new cult that you are forming or is this your form of Christianity?

      You are not a “true Christian”, nor a Pastor. You are an absolute DISGRACE!

      Hi. I'd like to thank you. I stumbled across your website through a link on Facebook. I'd really like to thank you. This is one of the Godlier websites I've seen in a while, and the best and brightest internet witnessing I've seen in years.

      Pastor Ezekiel? Brilliant! On one post, he uses the slur "chink", and someone calls him on it, and he responds by ignoring that he used "chink", and saying "pervert" is not a racial slur.

      Really, this is my new favorite website. I posted a comment on facebook to respond to the link, stating that you were all heathens, but quickly deleted it. Maybe I'll get to see you making fools of my catholic friends which I can later laugh at them for.

      Thank you so much. You have made my day.

      - Dylan

      I am writing to report the UnChristian activities of those 'pastors' and 'brothers' that post to your cesspool of a forum. Using racial epithets such as 'darkie' and 'darkie' molester to refer to Michael Jackson.

      All men are made in the image and likeness of God. Who are you - created beings of an Omnipotent God to cast stones at another one of God's creations? WOULD CHRIST SANCTION THIS TYPE OF HYPOCRISY? YOUR JOB AS MEN OF GOD IS TO SERVE AS EXAMPLES, CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS TO THE WORLD AND NOT HATE MONGERS. YOU CLAIM TO BE TRUE CHRISTIANS YET YOU ARE PURVEYORS OF HATE. SICKENING.

      It's monsters like you - Republicans, I'm sure. That have ruined Christ's good name in this country, and the world. What do you make of good upstanding men like Governor Sanford? I thought white men were supposed to be intellectually superior to the rest of the world? That's why a 'darkie' as you would call him was elected to clean up the mess that avaricious and intellectually inferior white men have created.


      I was just dropping You a line to tell you, and this is my own opinion, not to be taken as any form of condemnation or judgment, that I think You are a hypocritical bigot who should be shamed for calling himself a man of God. You judge those by which You and people in Your profession were put on this Earth to save, but to nothing but drive them farther away from God. It is people like You, I believe, that cause homosexuals, and people of other religions to look down on a wonderful faith that Christianity is. Thank You so much for giving the world another reason to hate Christians, because You are not working for it at all. Your elitist view of Christianity makes me sick. What true Christian would rejoice in the fact that a certain group of TEENAGERS, a demographic that is known for being susceptible to influences, by the way, 'never procreate' and are going to be Sent by Jesus(who, as I recall from the Scriptures, is Loving and Forgiving) 'to eternal damnation fairly quickly where they are grilled for satan's breakfast.' I hope that this message has been pleasant for You, because I had a grand time having to take the time to write out how disgusting the actions of a fellow Christian AND PASTOR are. We wonder why this nation is going to Hell in a hand basket? It's not because of illegal immigrant, people of other faiths, or minorities... It's because the people that founded it, White Christians, who founded it with the best of intentions, that same group of people have turned into an elitist, racist, perverted(and just for clarity, I use that in the generic sense, not the sexual) group of faux-Christians. You make me Sick.

      Have a Nice Day. =)

      You guys are totally ripping off little children that is why I am reporting you. You should be ashamed of yourself telling children to get there parents credit card.

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      • #4
        Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!


        Dear Pastor:

        I am appalled by this forum. Men talking about beating wives, and PASTORS advising men about beating their wives and "punishing" them? I always thought that Christianity was a beautiful religion exemplifying kindness, empathy, and understanding towards one another. How is physical abuse ever an answer or an acceptable act against humans? Also, if non-Christians are considered to be "scum," then why would you ever treat women who are not "scum" (also known as: Christian Women) in such an abhorrent way?

        I do not want to disrespect your beliefs on sexuality; however, when it comes to physical abuse as "punishment" against another person - when is this ever justified? "What Would Jesus Do?" really plays in my mind. Last I remembered from the Bible, Jesus befriended a prostitute and prevented her from being stoned - I'm really confused, so where does it imply that a man (or anyone!) in general should abuse another person in such a way. If we really want to follow in Jesus' footsteps, I think it is best to ban this post in general and prevent future abuses. Some may be considered "children of God" - then you guys should show the world what it is to be the "children of God" instead of slandering everyone who isn't and trying to physically abuse women who are just human.

        Thanks. I'm pretty sure I will never dabble in Christianity again after this horrible forum.


        you are jim osborne, a witch, remove board, or let it stay so people who see visions of you from Holy Ghost can mock you, call this board landover witch baptist board




        You have the most piffleed up church ever! I read forums that were practically encouraging rape! Do you think its right to rape somebody?! Because if you do, then I would love for you to get raped then how about you tell me about the experience! You piffleed up dip s***! I hope you burn in hell! Oh wait, You will burn in hell!



        In reference to the thread at http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=25153

        You should be ashamed that topics like this are circulating on your website, especially if you purport to be a Christian organization. Say what you want about Obama's decisions as president, but to take a photo out of context (video shows that he was most certainly *not* looking at that woman; see http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8049121) is cheap. The posters (Reverends!) on your site don't stop at that, though, they attribute this imagined lasciviousness to his race, which is crude and tasteless, not to mention racist and prejudiced. The frequent use of the outdated and politically incorrect term "negro" is racist and hateful.

        I don't think Jesus would be very happy if he saw what these servants of his were doing.



        Damn...you guys make me quite glad that I am not a Christian. If I were to have to go to Heaven and reside with people of your ilk, I would start a rebellion intentionally with the express purpose of finding a way to distance myself from such ignorant piffles.

        By the way, there is no way you folks make the list. Carry on raking in all that money, molesting altar boys, and manipulating the minds of the sheep you lord over. Once your day is done, you will indded get what you deserve although it will not be what you thought.

        God Bless you --- you need it far more than most (even more than a heathen like me).

        Subject: A Repeat Customer Lost

        I was banned on your forums for no apparent reason after 30 posts. I played the game and acted accordingly in the spirit of LOBC.

        As a previous buyer of 60 Second Sermons, (2) T-Shirts, (2) Bumper Stickers and countless plugs for your website to my salvation-seeking friends, this is the treatment I am given.... a 16,000 point ban with no warning, purpose, or cause.

        Congratulations on staffing your forums with such closed minded people; you just lost a life-long customer and potentially hundreds more whom I may have sent to your church.

        Dear Mr. W-----

        I hope you understand that we're not Mary worshiping fish heads who allow people to buy their way into Heaven.
        On the other hand it is conceivable that one of our pastors might have been a tad quick on the draw. Sometimes we are invaded by hordes of demons, trolls, Mary worshipers and other atheists, which can make it difficult to tell the goats from the sheep.

        I've lifted the ban. Enjoy your visit.

        Yours in Christ

        /Prune Danish
        Well wax my buns and call me grand pa for not having the shopping receipts before I banned somebody! -Eliot Mayfield
        Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
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        • #5
          Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!


          We have developed a PurityRing iPhone App in attempt to engage with today’s youth using new mediums. Anyone with a iPhone or iPod Touch can now take a Purity Pledge via their mobile device and then proudly display their timeless Purity Ring spinning on the screen.

          Please see press release and any promotional help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

          If you or anyone in your office has an iPhone or iPod Touch I will send you a code to download one for free.

          Warmest Regards,

          Henry E Bennett


          I registered on your page for one reason, and one reason only. The possibility of Obama as the antichrist. Jeb Thurmond, I want to speak with him and go into detail about it with him. If you don't want me on your website, fine, but the least you could do is relay the message to him and give him my email adress so I may speak to him and get a word of advice, if you're really as pure as you put yourself out to be then let me find confirmation from Jeb.

          Another word on that, my grandfather was Baptist and he's dead. He served in WWII as a Sergent Leiutenient and was a highly respected man, while my other grandfather was a Colonel who opened his own hospital and is a decorated war hero.

          I believe in God and he who points his finger at someone points three back at himself.

          The last thing I'd like to cover, is the reason I was banned....i have a feeling I was banned because I sent a friend request to Miss April, look her up. She's my age and the type of person I'd like to speak to online or in person, I believe I was banned because someone saw I wanted to speak with her and got jealous, worrying that i would steal their chance of 'marrying her' which isn't the case at all. I'd like to get to know her and extend my friendship because friendship and kindness are my only expressions.

          Please get back to me, it would be nice to know someone has faith in the Lord and will atleast take the time to speak to one of his children.

          Please register.

          I doubt this is Miss April related. Trent Harvey is not a moderator, and will not be until he delivers those back tithes he owes Jesus.


          Thank you for not deleting this email right away. While you and I may not know each other, what I want to tell you is important enough for me to want to contact you. But don’t worry, I obtained your email address off of the internet and will not contact you again unless you reply.

          I assure you that this is not a solicitation or a scam of any kind. I do not want to sell you anything or sign you up for anything. My hope is that you will continue to read the email. My hope is that, in the end, you will see this letter as so much more than "spam."

          The reason for the email is so that you can hear about the good news of the Gospel. Now, you might be saying to yourself, “I already know Jesus Christ and am sure of my salvation”. I THOUGHT I WAS SURE TOO. It can’t hurt to examine your faith and see where you stand. The cost of being wrong is too great.

          The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that “it’s appointed for every man once to die, and then judgment.” What that means is that everyone dies once and is then judged before Almighty God. So, if you are standing before God on Judgment Day, are you going to heaven or hell? Have you been a good person? You might think so but, unfortunately though, we aren’t going to be judged by any human standard of goodness. There is only one standard by which we can all be judged and that standard is God’s Law, also known as the Ten Commandments. The Bible says in Romans 2:15 that God “has written the law upon the heart of every man in the form of our conscience” so that when we die and face him, we will have no excuse.

          So let’s go through them real quick. Have you ever broken the 9th commandment by lying? Of course you have. A person who does that is called a liar. Have you ever broken the 8th commandment and stolen anything (regardless of value)? A person who does that is called a thief. Let’s look at the 7th commandment against adultery: Jesus says that whoever looks upon another person with lust has committed adultery in their heart. Have you ever looked with lust? Yes. What about the 6th commandment against murder? Jesus also says that whoever hates a person, without cause, has committed murder in his heart. Have you ever hated anyone? If you’re like most people, at this point you are a lying, thieving, murdering adulterer at heart standing before a just and holy God.

          At this point, you might be saying to yourself, I don’t believe in God, Heaven, or Hell. I say that it doesn’t matter what you believe. Let’s say that someone held you up at gunpoint, would you laugh at him and say "I don't believe in guns!"? Of course not! That’s because your disbelief doesn’t negate reality and believe me, GOD IS REAL. Or are you willing to bet your eternal life on it?

          Or, you might be saying to yourself, “I don’t believe that God would judge us so harshly. My god is a god of love and forgiveness and would never send anyone to Hell”. You are right. Your god would not send anyone to Hell because he doesn't exist! What you've just done is broken the 2nd commandment against idolatry. When you create a god in your mind to suit yourself, you are turning your back on the real God. Have you ever broken the 3rd commandment by using our Creator’s name in vain as a four-letter cuss word? That’s called blasphemy and is very serious in God’s eyes.

          So, if you are still reading this then you’ve probably said, “That’s impossible! No one can live up to the standard of the Ten Commandments.” You are right. No one can. Man is not perfect. We were born into sin and have a sinful nature. God is so holy and so perfect that his standard is unattainable to mortal men. You might say, but that’s not fair! What about forgiveness? God is supposed to forgive us of our sins. What about all of the good things that I’ve done in my life?

          Well, let’s look at an example. What if you were in a courtroom standing before a judge and you had just been convicted of murder. You did it. You’re guilty and all that's left is for the judge to render his sentence: $500,000 or death. You can’t just say to the judge “Your honor. I just wanted to say that you are a good man and that I know you will forgive me of my crime. Besides, what about all the other good things I've done in my life?” What’s the judge going to say? If he is a good judge then he’s going to send you to the electric chair. He might want to be merciful, but he can't just set you free, the law demands a penalty. Since God is a good judge and because he is so good and so holy, he has no choice but to send you to Hell. The law demands a penalty and the Bible says in Romans 6:23 that “the wages of sin is DEATH”.

          But, here’s where your story takes a turn for the good. You are about to be lead away in shackles when all of a sudden, someone comes into the courtroom and pays your $500,000 fine. The judge then sees that the requirement of the law has been fulfilled. And since you’ve met the requirements, you are now free to go! That’s what Jesus Christ did for all of us when he died on the cross 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ came to earth, God in human form, born of a virgin, lived a perfect and blameless life, was crucified on the cross, and then rose from the dead three days later as a payment for our sins. All we have to do is accept the payment and we are free from eternal damnation!

          How do we accept the payment? All that is required from us is to ask God for forgiveness, repent (turn away) from our sins, and then trust in the Lord Jesus Christ with all of our hearts (Romans 10:9). When we do that, Jesus Christ washes away all of our sins and we can now stand before God blameless on Judgment Day. Then read your Bible and obey it, join a local church and be baptized. God will make you into a new person with new wants and desires. He doesn’t want to send you to Hell, He loves you. You've probably heard John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life."

          Well, that’s it. Thank you for reading all the way through. I thank you for your time and my prayer is that you will consider all that you’ve read and seek Jesus Christ for eternal life today. Don’t wait for tomorrow because we never know when we will be taken from this earth and now that you've read this email you are without excuse when you stand before God.

          To Him be the glory,

          Mel Kizadeck

          It looks like your website has been hacked, especially on the poet korner page.


          I just had to take the time to let you know that you and your people DISGUST me with your fundamentalist views. Regarding the webpage where you describe-in a quite upbeat manner- how to torture the lesbianism out of a woman. You actually use the word torture. Putting it in inverted commas doesn't make it okay. I am utterly appauled at how closed minded and bigoted you can be, whilst being covered and protected by the pretense that you're 'Doing God's work'. Answer me this. If we were all created by God, then surely homosexuals were meant to be on this planet, otherwise God wouldn't have 'created' us. But of course this is all irrelevant, seeing as the bible was written by a bunch of monks 2000 years ago before science, space, locomotion and a general acceptance of a little thing called nature was discovered, so of course they'd be against gays! they had no idea how to live their lives so they created a set of rules, and then proceeded to pull off the biggest scams in history,
          preying on peoples eagerness to believe in something in the beyond. Have a nice life, piffletard.

          Dear Sir/Madam,

          I am pleasure to know you from Internet !
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          Oh, Pastor Ezekiel ,

          You anger me more than any other soul on this planet that I have had the fortune to meet. There is no age restriction described in your terms of service, was sure to check this time. I fear for your soul, sir. If you are God's representative, I fear for this world. You have solidified my resolve that God is a horrible man and deserves no more respect than you grant to the mentally and physically handicaped. You've done your job well, you have turned more people off God than I think you care to admit. Here's a lovely parting gift for you, you religion isn't even refered to as Christianity. You are an off branch. You are not the a True Christian™. You are a poser. A TRUE Christian would help people find their way to God with patience and understanding. You, sir, are not God. You have no right to pass judgement. See you in hell.

          You friend in Christ,

          Remember the gay penguins of San Francisco? They even made a children's book out of this filthy perversion! But thanks to your prayers, one of the penguins has renounced his degenerate lifestyle, and embraced the straight path.


          (I don't believe penguins are subject to the requirement of lawful marriage, do you?) Of course this still leaves us with one more unregenerated penguin who still needs our prayers, but still...can't they do some zoological research on them to find out whether "homer" sapiens might respond to the same treatment? Glory!

          Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
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          • #6
            Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!


            I have to admit I have found the bible to be anti-women for a long time and thus, your opinion has verified my internal feelings. I truly hope that you and all your male friends enjoy heaven or whatever you pathetically feel your God has in store for you. Honestly, I truly wish my parents would have killed me as a child and even better I truly wish I was able to kill myself in one of the many attempts. Yet, each one a true and disgusting failure, I believe you and all men win, at least as far as I am concerned. I am nothing and will never be nothing. After 11 years of being abused from my husband I can clearly see the God you serve has no real feelings for women. So may you and all your beliefs carry you and know.. another male who thinks he is superior has, yet again made another women feel worthless. Sleep well and praise your God!


            So, you are a homosexual, aren't you? I can see in the garbage you say and teach that there is a lot of homosexual desire lurking in your dirty mind.

            But, in all seriousness, gay marriage will be legal soon, the world is growing more and more liberal, and garbage like you is falling into the niche where you belong- you end up being known for being crazy, hate mongering idiots. in history, you will be forgotten.

            I know there is no Christian version of Hell, but I only hope that you spend eternity in your own personal Hell. It you you that is unholy.

            I was intruiged by your post on the forums, concerning shampoo comercials. I don't mean to question a man of the cloth, well.... maybe I do... May I please take some of your time to raise my few points.

            I will begin by informing you of my personal situation, which may go a little ways in helping you to understand my position on the matter. I am a baptised and confirmed United Methodist (currently non-attending) church member. I have not attended services (except occasionally with family who attend regularly... holidays, etc) for a few years. I personally feel (and admit that I may be wrong) that I've heard all the stories, I've read the bible, and why should I go to hear the same story all the time... even though I know that it is taught in different forms all the time, the message is the same, and I get it. I do not, and never would claim to be a historian or theologian expert; which is why when you asked if someone needed pastoral advice, I thought to contact you.

            Now to the question:

            1) Don't you think that this post goes *just a bit* too far, in its interpretation of sin in advertisement? Have there really been breaks in relationships STRICTLY because of a shampoo commercial? I mean, even if you state that you know of relationships that have been broken because of this commercial, do you not believe that there were underlying and past/current circumstances that led up to this? I find it highly unlikely that this one form of advertisement pushed a perfectly happy couple to divorce.

            Therefore; if my scenario is actually one of truth and not in anyway incorrect, (as exactly stated above); wouldn't you consider yourself an extortioner of lies, or a liar? Which according to your signature on the website would make you damned by Jesus? Again, I want to reitterate that I in no way want you to just trash this message thinking that I am against you.... I am just wanting further explaination.

            Please let me know what you think,

            Thank you,


            To Whom It May Concern,

            I recommend you take down these sites. Not only are they hateful, but they advocate blind hatred for Catholocism, intolerance, and ignorance. They constitute a huge ad hominem attack, ignoring the issues and flooding their audience with propaganda.

            The maintainers of this site ought to do more serious research into history and pre-history. I am an academic with years of research under my belt, and I have found Catholicism - the only true form of Christianity - to be most satisfying of the questions posed by reality.

            I am not surprised at this site's maintainers. It seems that while humans are willing to do great injury to their opponents, they are unwilling to exert themselves in maintaining an open mind for the seeking out of the truth. Have you dismissed all reports of miracles or even supernatural phenomena out of hand? Consider yourself then subject to a fanatical dogmaticism.


            Rot in hell, you a** hole... You anti-christ... How dare you make a
            mockary of me when you are no better than an athiest? F*** you, you piece of s***, go die in a
            hole. You make me so angry, I cant believe that people like you
            exist... F*CK YOU B*TCH

            Dear Pastor Ezekiel,

            Thank you, once again, for your quick response to my email. I have been to several churches. Most recently, I have attended the Catholic church. I have been very confused because they seem to preach one thing to the congregation and have a whole different set of rules for themselves.

            I love to cook and I prefer baking, because it’s all about “rule following.” Honestly, if you have a decent recipe to follow, all you have to do is follow the recipe—exactly. During the summertime, I like to pick whatever fruit is in season. I just picked strawberries and made a strawberry cobbler. I use a recipe from Martha Stewart. Even though she is a criminal, she can bake.

            Since you asked about pies, specifically, I would have to say that my Chocolate Brick pie and my Key Lime pie get the best reviews. I guess it depends on who’s tasting the pie. What, if I may ask, is your favorite pie? Do you like to bake? Do you like pies more than any other baked item? Just curious, if you have the time to answer.

            Can you recommend a good pie recipe?

            About me….

            I am in my early 30s. I am single and don’t really want to get married until I’ve met the “right” person. I have been proposed to by a couple of guys, but we didn’t really know each other and I couldn’t figure out why they even asked. My first proposal was from a Greek guy. I don’t think Greek men are very nice to their women. They sit around and drink Ouzo all day and their women work like slaves, doing EVERYTHING—all the while dressed in black. I think a marriage should be associated with LIFE and these couples seem to suggest that marriage is DEATH. Maybe it is. As per usual, I’m confused. Nothing new there.

            It’s so nice of you to ask about me. Maybe it’s standard at your church, or maybe it’s just your style. Either way…it’s nice.

            I am sorry. Here I am, just going on and on about myself. Would you like to tell me about you?

            Have you read any good books lately? Just curious.

            Do you like mysteries?

            Some people read cookbooks…are you one?

            Do you like dogs?

            Maybe you’re a cat lover.

            Do you allow pets in your church?

            I read once about a dog chapel. This guy built a church where pets (especially dogs) are welcome. I always wondered how that worked at Communion. Once I had a dog step in my birthday cake. What happens if the dog gets into the wafers. Maybe they have dog wafer-like biscuits. Is that bad at your church? I don’t know how I feel about a dog taking communion. But I do know that dog is God spelled backwards and that we are all created by God, so maybe He doesn’t mind. I don’t know.

            I also tell you that I really like things that are hot. I like hot days and nights (with a breeze). I like crushed red pepper on my pizza and once even tasted hot ice cream. Isn’t that funny? It’s not hot—like melting—it’s hot as in cayenne pepper hot. Some crazy nut made that up. I don’t know. I did like it though.

            Something else about me….

            I have too much stuff. I’m not a major collector, or anything. I just have too much stuff. I need to purge. (Not like that…if you know what I mean.) I have a friend who is anorexic. It’s so sad. When I say “purge” I mean I really need to unload. Maybe that’s what you’re getting at here. I don’t know. Are you asking me to tell you about myself because you want me to open up? Is this a spiritual thing? Or, are you just doing your job? Either way…it’s fine and it’s nice. Really.

            I have really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit better. Thank you for taking the time to share yourself with me.

            Kind regards,


            P.S. I am a dog lover myself. I do like to look at the fish at my dentist’s office, but I don’t think that I’d like to have to clean the tank. I’ve noticed that the dentist doesn’t clean it either. He has other people do it for him. I’m not in the position to hire a lot (or any) outside help.

            Honestly. Speaking of “purge,” we all need to take care of our own things and animals and mess in general. Why is it that people get things and call them theirs when they aren’t even doing any of the work to make the thing stay alive or whatever? Right? I don’t know.

            Okay…whatever. I am sorry to go on and on.

            It’s just something that kind of bugs me. It’s okay, I think to order a pizza if you don’t want to make one yourself, or maybe you don’t have the ingredients, or whatever, but a living thing that you are supposed to take care of (like a fish or whatever) you should take care of. Or, not have it. Is it really okay to pay people to take care of their stuff—I mean stuff that belongs to someone else? Does that make sense?

            A pizza is not a fish. Right?


            Now I’m hungry. So, I have to go and I imagine you do too. Do you have to write to everyone who writes you? Or, are you just being nice to me because I’m new. Either way. It’s okay.

            When you’re hungry, I think it’s fine (not that you care what I think or that I am in any position to judge or whatever) I think that it’s fine if you have someone else make you your dinner or whatever. Honestly. You are doing the work of a pastor and you shouldn’t have to make your own food unless you actually like to cook. Actually, in your case, I think, if you have someone else take care of your fish, that’s fine. You are the one calling the shots. I know. Not me. That’s okay.

            Actually, I don’t want to call any shots. If I could, I just want someone to take me on nice drives and be nice to me. If I met someone like you, who could listen, and someone who enjoyed my cooking (I can’t sew my own curtains—sorry mom) I think I could be happy. I don’t know.

            Wow. I can go on. You have really stirred up a lot with all of your questions.


            Okay. This time is really goodbye. Although, I hope not forever. I’m, sorry if I’ve taken up too much of your time.

            Are there other people out there like me? You probably know.


            Goodbye—for now. If you are too busy to write me and you have to pass me off to someone else in your Order—that’s fine.

            P.S. I am reading a good book called “The Reliable Wife.” I thought it might be a manual. I couldn’t be more wrong. Don’t recommend it to any of your followers. Is it bad to want to finish a book that isn’t poorly written, but might have a bad message? How will I know until I get to the end.

            Okay. Goodbye.

            Kind regards,


            P.S. Sorry!

            Dear Pastor,

            I have just written you a long email telling you all about myself and, frankly, reaching out to you. I see on the Forum Introduction Section that you ask lots of people, like Granny, about their pie preferences etc. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just thought that somehow we might have a connection.

            I am more than a little embarrassed. You are very handsome.

            Granny is very nice and I’m sure you have a lot of women you have to talk to.

            Okay. I don’t know. Is there another pastor that I should talk to?

            I mean you are nice, I’m sure, but I can tell that I’ve made WAYYYY too much of our relationship.

            That’s fine. I’ll be fine.



            I really do bake. And I like it.



            Kind regards,


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            • #7
              Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!


              I am a fellow christian and I ran into this forum. I was looking into getting a tattoo with a beautiful verse in latin.. when I found this forum and started reading, I really disliked how JUDGMENTAL the members seemed to be for being believers. I was very disappointed with this. I know we all have free will but our Christ has left many lessons for his children to learn. I think you should mention to everyone how the Lord is the only one who may judge others and remind them to just love each other, even those who in our eyes may seem broken and unreachable. Just remind each one of your brothers and sisters what philipians 4:13 says. That's what keeps me smiling and hopeful every day. Have a wonderful day, wherever you are.
              God Bless,

              You are the most vile and repulsive excuse for a christian I have ever seen. Any pastor who condones (or in your case, encourages) execution of innocents(cripples, gays), wife beating, and racism is an embarrassment to his church and his god.
              May you burn in hell.
              Any decent god would condemn you in a second.
              You are a pastor who is supposed to be teaching God’s Agape love to the world, but you spew nothing but hate. Jesus came not to judge and damn, but to give life by his precious blood. I will pray for you and your poor sheep who are under your watch. You and you alone will have to stand before the Lord and be judged and it says that He will judge us with the same degree we judged others. Obviously you don’t know anything about this disease. Some of these children only have little twitches, they all don’t holler things out in “church” as you stated. Also, where in the small bit of text from a ten year old girl having a crush on somebody, did you get that they are promoting fornication???

              God loves you and I love you, please get some help, while you put the “stud” (promotes fornication, a stud is a breeding horse you know) back in the bible.

              Very truly yours,

              For this group of people to be POSING as Holy Christians is a greater sin in my eyes!
              So much HATE, discrimination, EVIL words being spread upon this site!!
              And to think, I am searching the internet for a Holy site for me to be a family with for guidance and Bible chat amongst the other members who may be on here. To actually be part of a group other than my own Church group that I can share my religion and Holy experiences with.

              But, instead I find a site created, without a doubt, BY THE DEVIL HIMSELF!!
              With responses and activity in the forums such as the one I have pasted below, I cannot believe that there is not any type of pre screening before the words of the satan followers are being posted. The creator or moderator of this site is also acting as evil as the devil himself for allowing such actions on their site. You and your orginazation should be truly ashamed of yourself and will probably not be forgiven once you reach your judgement day.
              Have fun in the pits of hell with all the others you have contributing to the evil on here.

              Just LOOK at what your members of the site are saying!! And this is not even the WORST of the comments I have seen here!

              Originally Posted by Capt. A. Portway
              Typical Mexican if you ask me! She's probably just using the old "Devil made me do it" defense because she got caught. Those beaners combine papism and all manner of voodoo, Santeria, and ancestor worhsip into their daily lives.

              That's why I don't eat Mexican food, it's a gateway cuisine. Today, it's a taco your eating, tomorrow is baby brains. All ethnic foods are a slippery slope to damnation!

              I couldn't agree more, Brother. Those wetbacks love to eat brains too. It was probably a craving for mexi-slop. The woman probably figured she'd have another welfare baby soon enough anyway as messican't multiply like fleas.


              We will see who Jesus hates and goes to hell. You will be seeing Lucifer. Judging me calling me names. Who the **** do you think you are? Only GOD can judge, nobody else. I asked you a question and that how you reply. Very Interesting, people like you to act like that. No wonder people turn their backs to Christianity.

              Hello Sir,

              I found your forum because I saw a page that can be created by a haker: http://www.landoverbaptist.net/PS3.htm
              (The link on this page is widely publicated)
              Check it please.

              God bless you!


              Listen it's fantastic that you feel so close to the lord but I'll tell you one thing If Jesus ever comes back and see's these discusting web site he will throw up I don't know who you think you people are but mently and physicaly handycaped people can't help who they are and it's fantastic that they have an area where they can excel in life. As for brother percy and the others writing those things is revolting I hope they get every thing they deserve god bless you worthless mother piffleers

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              • #8
                Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

                Everything I've read about 'Pastor Ezekiel' and the fire-ant attacking Landover forum is true. Without a lengthy book writing, "it could be said that you really do think your God in your own self-righteously pious way." You proved my point... pure hypocricy. (Mat 7:1) "Judge not lest ye be judged."

                You are removed from my email list, please remove me from yours. But I still love you my brother. I love you for loving Jesus, even though you may not fully understand what he means by loving your brothers or even your enemies. God bless you!

                Dear Pig Winnie;

                False Christians like you give us all a bad name. You take Scripture out of context, sugar-coat it, then shout your interpretation from the rooftops as if Jesus said it Himself. You drive more people away from God than any heathen could. The very next verse in Matthew that you cited proves my point. We are not commanded not to judge at all, but rather to judge righteously.

                Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

                We are in fact commanded to judge others in God's Holy Word. In John (7:24) Jesus says we should "judge righteous judgment." And Paul (1 Cor.2:15, 5:12-13, 6:2-3) tells Christians to judge everyone -- believers, non-believers, even the angels are to be judged by "the saints." Please see my sermon on the subject HERE. Everything we say is backed by God's own words!

                I pity you, because you are the worst sort of scoundrel in God's kingdom. He is reserving a special place in hell for decievers like you. I urge you to repent and join Landover Baptist TODAY. We may be your last hope to avoid eternal damnation.


                --Pastor Ezekiel

                When you meet a bum on the street, you are to feed him because he just might be Jesus. And he can come in any color he chooses. Its amazing that you preach the gospel but you talk about Michael Jackson like he was guilty of the molestation charges. Let me enlighten you. Michael Jackson is closer to Jesus in all his humanitarian efforts than anyone else on earth. He is in the Guiness Book of World Records. Money hungry, low lives, scums of the earth accused Michael of molesting their children. One parent actually accepted over 20M dollars and Michael was aquitted. If your child had been molested, would you have accepted the money? I would not have settled and most people wouldn't either. Doesn't that tell you something? I guarentee when the time comes to be judged, you will fall short of the glory of God. Have a nice day!


                I am reporting the un-Christian behavior of Pastor Deacon Fred. When it comes to his philosophy of burning witches at the stake, he has forgotten God's commandment: Thou shalt not kill, not to mention the forgiveness and compassion preached by Christ Jesus, after all, he rescued Mary Magdalene from the clutches of seven devils, without burning her at the stake. When God said "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", you assume this command means to kill witches. Assumptions are dangerous. A more accurate interpretation is not to tolerate or endure evil with regard to witches living among you: banish them, certainly, but do not kill them, for to kill is against God's command. This scripture does not condone killing nor the method of killing. Jesus himself questioned the wisdom at the time of Moses when he said, "Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so". Jesus opened a door for questioning Moses and h
                is implementation of God's commands. In Exodus 20, at first, God speaks to Moses and his people directly. Then from Exodus 20:18 the people "stood afar off" and his people said to Moses " Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die". From 20:22 God speaks to Moses and then Moses conveys God's words to his people. Additionally, when the Bible was translated and compiled, I would not be surprised if it involved a group of witch burning enthusiasts. Why not change a word or two? After all, there are so many versions of the Bible, even after it warns not to "add or take away from this book". A Christian follows the teachings of Jesus. Your words speak of Darkness, not The Light, and not only are a disgrace but also a form of terrorism. What is more, killing 'in the name of God' makes us no better than the terrorists we decry. Judge not lest yea be judged. Judgment and destruction is God's domain and there is a very good reason, because God co
                mmanded "Thou shalt not kill".

                Dear False Christian,

                That is some world class mental gymnastics right there. I wonder how your church explains away Deuteronomy 21:18-21, the verses about the men of the city stoning to death a rebellious son. Or Deuteronomy 21:22...
                21:22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:
                21:23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of Godthat thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

                My next video was going to be either about judging or why Carl Sagan is burning in hell, but I think I'll cover this nonsense instead. - Sister Mary Maria
                DEAR PASTOR,
                Please i want a playstation Game.God bless you


                I came to your web page in reading about the late Ted Kennedy, and there read a brief blurb by Pastor Ezekiel. I must say you should be rather embarrassed to have him making such rather pathetically ignorant remarks online for anyone to see and associate with your site. Aside from the obvious bigotry which implies hatred of those who do not follow hiw religion, he appears rather ignorant in remarking how the Church eats her own. Isn't the whole topic about the Pope not comforting Kennedy BECAUSE he supported the anti-Christian homosexual agendas put out there, and was pro-abortion? Why the heck should the Pope cave on such huge moral issues to some American bobo anyway? More likely Ted should have been excommunicted from the Church for his obstinance over doctrine; and gone somewhere else. Pastor Ezekial's remark also about putting the STUD back in Bible study - well, where I come from, that implies a virile sexually active fornicator. NICE JOB, PASTOR EZEKIAL. I think you ar
                e an ignorant yahoo, and quite the pig!

                Dear Pastor Ezekiel,

                My name is Kenya Morris and I am sixteen years old, I have never met you nor ever heard of you before until today. I was browsing the internet and Michael Jackson's website and I saw a reply message you sent to a woman trying to figure things out. I believe God wants us to hold each other accountable. I was not pleased the way you represented Christains in your reply. For one your lack of compassion for another reason your judgemental remarks. I can tell from your response your have never personally known Michael. I have not either butI truly believe he was truly seeking JESUS. I have heard many testimonies about Mj and his love of Christ and the Bible of course I can't be truly sure of these testimonies but they sure seem legit to me. One is by David Pack a musician at Rick Warren's church. He said he spoke with Michael and they both shared with each other that they were Christians. There is also proof that Michael disassociated himself with Jehovah's Witnesses because he disagreed with some of the teaching. it was also said that Prophet Kim Clement prayed with Michael 2 days before he died. The most popular story that was proven true was Michael asked Pastors Andre and Sandra Crouch to come and meet him at his house. He wanted to make his music more spiritual. He asked them about the Holy Spirit, Jesus and other things. They said they held hands and prayed together. Though they said there was no actual sinners prayer. I think he didn't ask to be saved because he was already saved. Also one way to disprove your thought he was JW was JW's don't believe in the trinity and don't believe there is a holy spirit. I f he was a devout JW why would he ask the Crouches about this. One more example ,like I said before Prophet Clement prayed with Michael and said while they were praying the Holy Spirit moved and MJ was TALKING IN TOUNGES. We as Christains now this only comes from the HolySpirit so I would like to think since the Crouches prayed with him about the holyspirit it finally made a move in his life. To sum it up, what I really wanted to say is please be slow to judge people, like I said before it is o.k. to tell people when they are wrong, but not o.k to say if a person is in heaven or hell. It is not our job it's God's. I know you've probably been sent alot of e-mails from angry people, but I think you will clearly get the message this way.

                IN Christ,

                Well Pastor Zeke, before I came to the Landover Baptist Community I was a
                drug-riddled, "intellectual" atheist, that attended the University of
                Central Florida. However, now that I am aware of the one true path of our
                Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I've given up the drugs, renounced my
                "intellectual" atheistic ways, and have started condemning those who God
                sees fit to condemn. Praise Jesus!

                I have to say that not being religious is very easy to do. Going back to
                my old roots of religion is going to be quite a tedious task.

                Man I love this church.


                Is it possible for you or your staff to provide the source that validates the following:
                [Obama gave a big speech about how his faith is so "important" to him.
                In an attempt to convince the American people that he should be president, he said his "favorite Bible verse is John 16:3". Of course
                the speechwriters meant John 3:16, but nobody in the Obama camp is
                familiar enough with scripture to catch the error, including Obama.
                Do you know what John 16:3 really says? "And these things will they do
                unto you, because they have not known the Father nor Me."]

                Specifically a date & location that the speech was given would help add additional credibility to the above story.
                Prayerfully requested by . . .

                P.S. What's more interesting is to include vs. 1 & 2 to the above quote in light of the healthcare debate.
                A scottish, irish redneck is here to argue Jesus with us. Listen Paddy, don't you have to be drunk and on heroin first? This also may take awhile. You'd better go get some smokes from your kids

                This is yet another warning;
                Failure to change information may lead to lawsuit and/or shutdown of your servers.
                Immediate action of changing the username back to "Fire-Fight" or any other appropriate username; or deleting the user altogether would be an appropriate action.

                This is the 2nd warning.
                Failure to remove personal information of a minor after the 4th warning will result in contacting of the authorities.
                Dear Godmocking Maggot;

                You lied in order to gain access to our site. You claimed to be a Brazilian dope addict with nymphomania issues, when in fact you are not.The moment you admitted the truth, your account was banned, and it shall remain so.

                We have a team of high-priced joo lawyers who eat fools like you for breakfast. Feel free to contact any authorities you like. The first thing they'll do is call your mommy and daddy in Australia.

                Enjoy hell!


                --Pastor Ezekiel
                I have already given you 2 clear warnings.

                Impatient as I am, I have contacted the San Jose PD and the NSW Police LAC, with concerned replies claiming "give them 1 more clear warning; requesting they remove the user and/or remove all associated material related to the author; if they do not comply, action will be taken."

                As stated in the above quote, you must immediatly remove all information.

                Reply and take action as soon as this message is received.
                Dear Godmocking fool;

                Maybe you should have read our TOS more closely before you agreed to it's terms.

                Make all the calls you like. The account is banned, but will remain visible as an example of how pathetic Aussie teen sodomites can be. Forever.

                Enjoy hell.


                --Pastor Ezekiel
                Dear Pastor,

                Someone recommended me to you, saying you are an expert in ministry with women... I have been a very bad girl, and need to be punished. I tell people that I am a Christian, when in fact I walk around with secret - I am a sex addict, and have committed many a sexual sin...

                I do not know how confessions work, so am just going to wing it - WORD OF WARNING, THIS IS EXPLICIT (please forgive me if I am offending you, but you are a seasoned Christian pastor who I read have heard it all, and that one should be specific in these confessions...

                I have had sex with over 20 men, some only once and others more than once a day...
                There was also one instance with my best friend and her boyfriend at the time were things got very hot and ended up as an orgie!! My friends boyfriend also had a friend there, who joined in for his share of sucking off and a**-piffleing, but mostly he was in charge of the video camera...
                I've also had a few instances were I am the only girl with 3 or more boys taking turns to piffle my mouth, cooter and a** and for me to suck them off... this makes me horny just thinking about it... please forgive me!!!
                After swallowing I stick my tongue with my tongue stud up a guy's a** and lick and wiggle, which makes most men wriggle with pure pleasure. From there I let the man piffle my t*** and c** all over them, and then insist on their c** piffleing my cooter long and hard and repeatedly - me on top - ALWAYS. I also love c** up my a**, hard and fast...

                For foreplay I must be licked till my c** is all over the man's face - this should last as long as possible... I've been told I taste real good!!!

                Recently I was in a sexual relationship with this man who obsessed about sex as much as I do, and he convinced me to also make a video tape. The sex was out of this world, but now one of my friends got hold of this tape, and it is doing the rounds here in my home town. I have men calling me slut in front of their ladies, but then begging me for a quick piffle in the toilets... what should I do?

                Can I be forgiven, or have I sinned too much???

                I should go now, my cooter is dripping, and needs some tending to...

                Hope that wasn't over sharing... apologies if it was...

                Lost girl from NY
                Dear Sinful Slut;

                You are doing the right thing by confessing your sins. Jesus sees this as a sign that you want to turn your life around. I was particularly happy to hear that you are a cum drinker, because the Bible says not to spill a man's seed. God hates wastfulness.

                Have you ever engaged in sexing with other young ladies? Please tell me everything, and don't worry about offending me. As a True Christian Pastor, I have seen and heard everything.

                Please forward the videos you refer to, so that I can study them as a True Christian Pastor.


                --Pastor Ezekiel
                Dear Past Ezekiel

                This must be such a burden for you to be the one who has to listen to all these filthy acts and to have to see these photo's and video's. You must be a true christian, for I do not know many men who can, as we say, keep it down, in such temptations. I feel so bad for having to add to your burden/curse.

                I do want to turn my life around, and will do what ever it takes!! I am just scared that I will step over the line at some stage. As I am sure you have gathered, I am as you call me a sinful slut. I am also sorry if my words are too expressive and vulgar, as I said, I do not know how else to do this? I've been told I have many talents when it comes to sex, but subtlety is not one of them... and I like being talked to as dirty as possible whilst I am in the act (so perhaps be careful of calling me a lustful slut, as that might just arrouse me more...).

                I did not know the bible commanded that women not spill the mans seed. I was really only swallowing because a mans cum is just so sweet - cock-licking-good... Although, as I've mentioned, I do also love to feel a mans warm cum all over my tits, but I do then lick the cum off my tits... does that mean I am NOT wasteful then?

                I have only piffleed a lady once, with that threesome-session. It was not planned, just happened. My friend and her BF was piffleing in our kitchen when I got back from my day out, and at first I looked away and apologized. Her BF then made a gesture for me to come closer and said that I need not apologize. He then kissed me, and next thing he turned my head to my (girl)friend and pushed her head towards mine and she then kissed me. At first her BF did all the guiding for us, putting her hand down my jeans, but this arroused me and from there me and my gf did not need too much more guidance. He took my jeans off and stood behind me, almost hugging me while I could feel both him and my gf's fingers now going deeper into my cooter. I liked it! I was completely breathless and so excited. I preceeded to kiss and lick my gf's breasts - they are so firm and round. The excitement got her to her knees and she then stuck her tongue up my cooter and licked it while her fingers were still inside me... there is something about a women's touch that is more erotic than anything. I enjoyed this so much that I had to return the favor, but she did not want to stop. This is where her BF guided us again and next thing she was underneath me still lciking my cooter, and I was on top of her facing her now dripping cooter, I rubbed her cooter and licked her cooter. Next thing I felt her BF's c*** ramming up my a** - I was gagging for it by now. He piffleed my a** so hard, I instantly came, and my gf was there to lick the c** away. Her BF then turned me around after teasing my cooter with his cock and me begging him to piffle me hard, he gave it to me. I was now screaming with extacy. I didn't want it to ever stop.

                Although I loved that very much, I will admit that I like c***. Without a hard c*** to push it's c** so deep in your cooter, sex is just not the same. I will be with another lady again, but only with at least one c*** there to share, preferably two though, one for each girl.

                Past Ezekiel, I do have the video clip, but am scared it will leak out even more if I send it via mail. If you think it would help me in my salvation path, I will share with you what is on the tape with words as well?

                Will I need to explain all my piffleing experiences with you to get true salvation? For that might take a forever!!!??

                I hope that I am doing this right. I feel like I am doing it wrong. Surely I should not be getting this lustful and wet while confessing? But I cannot help it. I am a lustful slut that just wants c*** all the time.

                Am I going to be ok?

                Thank you for your listening ear...
                I'm really interested in hearing what more you have to say.
                Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
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                Did I use a new word you've never heard? Definitions here. | Vote! Everything you need to vote here!


                • #9
                  Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

                  I would like to know why people on your website have to post such horrible comments about Patrick Swayze? What kind of Christians are you? Quotes like "when will he die" and "he is now on board the hell train"...Jesus likes to see people suffer etc.

                  Look, you people are not believing in the same Jesus I personally know. He said it is not the will of the Father that people should perish. Did your church ever pray for him? Put his name on high and interceed for him? Did any of you "want people to die and go to hell" ever try and contact him and tell him Jesus loved him?

                  Those comments are just sick. It grieves the Lord when people die lost and you greeps seem to enjoy it.

                  And by the way...why do you have a "Psychic Reading" link on the bottom of your website. Do you know know this is of Satan...the occult...God forbids this....maybe your people think it is OK..

                  Wake up...you put true Baptist's to shame with your self condemning that is what GOD said not to do...He is our judge.

                  If Patrick Swayze did die lost then maybe his blood is on your filthy hands.

                  You sicko.

                  I stumbled on a forum for Christians. Its a landover baptist church forum? Brother I am praying for you. There were people posting on this forum, cussing up and down and talking about beating women....I can't believe this. This isn't the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your being deceived. And I am saddened to say that this is an abomination. YES, homosexuality is SIN. Absolutely. But extremist fundamental "Christianity" isn't Godly. It's demonic. THIS IS NOT BEING ON FIRE FOR CHRIST.
                  Pray for the spirit of hate and confusion to leave you. You can crush me with what you believe and tell me I'm wrong. That I am the one "who's going to hell, not a real Christian..." I do expect this kind of reply, and hey I am really sorry to have this mindset, but this is the kind of response I would expect getting because just looking at that forum, it seems like a lot of hatred. But I love you and urge you as a brother in Christ to repent. To check yourself. Pray about it. I ensure you that in God's faithfulness He will restore you to a sound mind. One of a child coming to Christ and not a hate-filled, righteous Sadducee (sp?) that is more concerned about how other people deserve to go to hell and justifying that rather than their own souls, not to mention the souls of those who need Christ. I just don't see this. My friends drive into downtown Minneapolis and hand out lunches and tracts and bibles and tell them the Good News of Jesus. The slander I see on this forum really doesn't point to the cross. Its leading others into darkness. Into lies. Thats not good. Let me ask you something. And know that Im praying away this rigtheous anger coming on.... Are the souls of black people not worthwhile? Was it a mistake by a Sovereign God that there are different cultures and different ethnicities in the world? Is it a mistake that air fills the precious lungs of little black children? What about abortion? Its terrible, exactly. But is that just white abortions? Are you a parent? Do you have compassion and a soft heart? It seems that there is a hardness of heart and blindness in your eyes brother.
                  I'll clear this up because you may be wondering: Im not a liberal pansy. I like shooting handguns. I watch sports. Fish. I play in a bluegrass band---guitar and mandolin. Pure white American, born and raised. Purebred--German. Minnesota. I used to be a rambler, breaking beer bottles and faces before I saw the love of Jesus Christ and the depravity of my heart. We're no different, we want to know and love Christ deeper. 2 Corinthians 4:13-15. I am by no means a perfect Christian. I am need of God's grace everyday, but I feel I need to rebuke you on this brother. I don't thinking emailing an elder of this church would even have been worthwhile, because although God can take the scales from their eyes, chances are they wouldn't reply to this email in a respectable or sensible, intelligent manner. I trust you will. I challenge you to respond to this email, I need a little more understanding of what is going on here. 1 John. Even the KJV : ) It's all about love. Christ is the One who will return and lay down justice. He will judge. That is not up to We're called, not to sit in a little bubble of Christians, and slander and use our tongues to cut down those who need Christ. We're called to go and preach the Word of God. To love and show grace. That's what I want to do.
                  The forum is really weird. Is it for real!!??? The LBC seems like a cult. Like mormonism. What's with Saved and a copyright mark behind it? Then True Christian and a registered mark behind that too? Are you marketing "how to be a TRUE Christian"? Pastor Ezekiel, what is going on here? I pray that you see this! I pray you are a true man of God, and can reply to this. This forum is trash. This church, this cultish church is trash. Your bible study, its great to get people in the Word, but I think it's probably trash too. If you can explain to me why it isn't, I would love to hear that. Forgive me If I come off as angry, but Im pretty sure its a righteous anger.

                  God bless you brother, hope to hear from you


                  Please support me in prayer for few things:
                  For RENEWING IN THE SPIRIT, prayers that are have efficiency, might, closeness with the Lord
                  For friend KACA -that she RECONCILE with her NEBOJSA, for their NEW BEGINNING.. That he does not pay attention to one JELENA, who is like after him, ENJOYING IN DESTROYING RELATIONSHIPS, GOSSIPING OTHERS, SELFSHNESS, but to REMEMBER LONG LOVE WITH KACA...
                  For their ways to MEET...That K. & N show their FEELINGS, and that GOD work out peace between them, healing their old hurts,THAT THEY START AGAIN and continue their WAY TOGETHER & and officially get married!
                  And for many blessings on YOUR, MINE, KACA'S.. on our families, for HEALTH, more finances, God's leading and protection..God's spiritual & financial blessings-BLESS YOU
                  Your sister in Christ, MARINA


                  Hello, I am glad to hear back from you.

                  The situation seems to be one requiring the attention of someone such as yourself.

                  Anyway, I am 18 years old.

                  I have the misfortune to live in California, and as such have no suitable churches near me.

                  As a last resort, a group of friends and I get together with our KJ Bibles four times a week to discuss God's word.

                  I was very glad to find landoverbaptist.net, as all the other sites I had seen were filled with Catholic pretenders.

                  As to what happened with your site, I was very upset, because I had barely signed up when I found racist and blasphemous things written on my behalf.

                  I have suspicions that my roommate, who does not share the correct views that we all have, must have tainted my computer with his filth while I went out for lunch.

                  In any case, I am more concerned with what happened after my brand-new account was immediately placed on Moderation.

                  At first, it made me say things I had no problems with, such as repenting for my previous "posts" and asking forgiveness from Jesus. After that, however, they only got worse, and as I attempted to apologize for the things being posted in my name, they only got worse, saying that I "liked to violate myself with pickles and cucumbers" and "had thoughts of sleeping with men." I do not know what kind of person would do this, but it quite frankly disgusts me. I am glad to see I have the privelige of contacting someone who is above that sort of horrific "humor", if that is what it was. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my problem, I am sure a man of God such as yourself will find no problems in remedying the situation.

                  If I may summarize:
                  (i)You are attempting to find Jesus in California – do you think this is the best place to look?
                  (ii)You have a room mate – if it’s a male, this is fornication, if it’s another woman, you should depart these Godly Forums as Lezbeans are about as bad as it gets.
                  (iii)This room mate does not eat lunch although you do.
                  (iv)You deny violating yourself with pickles and cucumbers – I therefore assume that (a) someone else is doing it and (b) it is neither with pickles nor cucumbers.
                  (v)You do not mention the vegetable of your choice. Please do so and we will make the correction. Fortunately, God regards most vegetables as harmless, save wormwood and gall and these are not readily available in Wal-Mart.
                  (vi)You claim to have no knowledge of whom it is that violates you with these vegetables. I therefore assume it happens in the dark.

                  As a result of your testimony and my investigation, I have narrowed the field of possible miscreants who caused you grief to three niggers who shove pickles up their ass. All have been summarily banned without appeal.

                  This is an action that I should have taken a long time ago but True Christian™ tolerance, for which Landover is justly renowned, has constrained me. Thank you for galvanizing me.

                  So serious do I find the charge that I have supplied the niggers in question with your email address, postal address, and Social Security number, etc., so that they may properly make amends with vegetables of your choice.


                  Dear "Pastor Zeke"

                  We are not a group of fools, we are an official organisation of super-genius' who work on cases like yours.
                  You are the fools!

                  Evidence points against you...

                  1. You call the true Christians "hatemongers" yet your group are guilty of hating people and declaring people to be "unsaved trash"
                  2. True Christians do not judge, for it is written in the Word of God, the Bible;
                  Romans 2:1-4 (King James Version)
                  1 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
                  2 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
                  3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
                  4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
                  3. True Christians love the lost and Jesus NEVER rejected anyone. Yet you people do!

                  We have more than just those three points, however we want to emphasise that you simply are not true people of God.
                  And your mockery must come to an end.
                  I tell you the truth, all sin will be exposed to the light and God's judgement WILL come upon you for your sinful actions.

                  ISHN of Planet Earth

                  P.S. Here is our documentation of your criminal and sinful acts.

                  Date of report: Saturday, 19 September 2009.

                  On the above date, one of our personnel members was abused by the members of a forum posing to be members of a authentic church known as Landover Baptist Church.

                  Personnel Member 3133 was involved in the incident and has received various emails from a “Pastor Ezekiel Flint”.

                  We must make sure these people are stopped.

                  Not only are they slandering 3133, but they are also mocking God’s people.

                  Crimes committed:

                  Defamation of Character
                  Hate Crime
                  Cyber Bullying

                  We are dealing with rogue people here and they won't give up without a fight.

                  Personnel 4582, Personnel 4729, and Personnel 4901 are still in the forums undetected by the perpetrators. We have set up monitoring of the forums until further notice.

                  This case is not to be closed and the perpetrators have received a friendly warning.

                  Good luck trying to find out who Personnel 4582, Personnel 4729, and Personnel 4901 are, chances are you will not find them.
                  Do you really want to mess with us.
                  We clearly have you surrounded.
                  How about dealing with this like real men?


                  well i was wondering iam saved but after i was told my heart is deceitfull in jeremiah 17-9 i startomg hearing blasphemys or cuss words towards God this has happend for a year every day every minute and if the heart is deceitfull and i have little control over its thoughts could it be that my own heart is saying this things to me specially since Jesus also said that out of the heart procced evil thoughts and blasphemys?
                  Incorrect credit card number. Please try again.
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                  • #10
                    Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

                    Dear Pastor:

                    It has been a battle to write to you, as my ugly habits are very old. I am a 50 year-old sodomite who has been looking for people of God for a long time. It seems that I have finally found some. I am very respectful of the content of the Church's website, I agree with everything. I am battling my demons and I appreciate that you are so honest in your definitions and advice. I am ashamed of being a faggot and have not been able to find someone to support me in stopping. I pray very much but I need to be punished, life has punished me a lot already as I am not married and I am alone, but I have never been punished as all homos should be and the churches I have talked to are very, very soft. Please, do you know of a good church in Massachusetts where the Bible is revered and perverts punished as they should be? I would go far to find this, it is not for sexual fulfillment but for real repentence. I am ugly, fortunately since it gives me fewer opportunities to sin, and I get only rare erections, which is a blessing. I could tell you many more things but do not mean to be too long. Please, do not think that this is a joke, as it is a call for help. Thank you

                    Dear Disgusting Sodomite;

                    What you need is a course with Betty Bowers BASH Program. Contact her HERE, and do it today, before Jesus decides to kill you for being an abomination (as the Bible says).


                    --Pastor Ezekiel
                    You guys are the BIGGEST RETARDS I've ever come across. It is sad to think of all the amazing things that have happened in Earth's evolution and Creation, I sometimes have to ask myself if God ever makes mistakes. (He/She probably doesn't) But because of you guys, I'm beginning to have doubts.
                    The reason I am contacting you is because i believe that the actions of some of your members in one of the threads were very unchristian to some of the other members. Many of the chats about goths are typical christian views of that lifestyle. Now I am a thirty year old male from Kentucky and I worship the lord every sunday, wednessday, and I pray to the glory of the lord every night. I would like to say on behalf of every christian in the church I attend that the views of the gothic lifestyle that you stated on this thread were both close minded and also very untruthful. Goths are people just as I am and you are, and it is the belief of my church that you and your clergy are both cruel and judgemental. God is the one to judge a person, not a group of religious fanatics acting better than everyone else. i would have to say that what you have said in most of these threads is much like the catholic church was in the time of the 16th century. I find this very disturbing as if yo
                    u see yourself able to judge men as god does and this is very unchristian. To the people of my godly family you are worse than a goth because they are open minded to other peoples lifestyles as you are more like hitler with your damnation of gays. They might burn in hell for it, but if god didn't want them to be in his house he would dismiss them. Two final things... I hope to hear back from you, and your entire administration are bitches and I hope you go to hell and Lucifer f***s you in the a**.

                    i love god and the bible. thank you for preaching the true and undeniable truth of the pauluxy man tracks and the truth of the holy bible in the face of such scientific evidence.
                    i wish you were king of america and held sway over the masses in the same way that nazi socialist "president" barick obima doos.
                    p.s. god dosint need a spellcheck becaz god is always corect in him assertations.
                    p.p.s. i love my guns and my country and i dont want them being sullied by goddamn socialist nazi alien monkey evolusionist liberals. you iz dooin godz werk.


                    "Putting the "stud" back in Bible Study" ... That, my
                    friend, is a disgrace to being a pastor... You are meant to be a
                    representative of Jesus Christ, not a skankly playa-playa... There's
                    the career of jigilo for that..

                    And now I rest my case and hope you understand what I'm trying to
                    point out to you guys, for it is not for me to judge...

                    Incorrect. Jesus tells his disciples to be "fishers of men", to bring more people to Christ, and for your information, I am saved and very much looking forward to heaven and hopefully you are too.

                    We are supposed to try and be more like Jesus as people, to follow the 10 Commandments because we love God. Jesus was not bloodthirsty, he did not want to see people burn in hell. Remember just before he was crucified, his disciple attacked one of the Roman soldiers and cut off his ear, but Jesus mended the Roman's ear back on by miracle. Also as he hung on the cross, he helped the sinner on the cross next to him to become saved, he didn't judge him or condemn him to hell.

                    Maybe you should concentrate more on taking people with you to heaven than hoping to see them in hell.
                    You don't mind us saying that all those people are damned. your only issue is with us saying that Jesus is the one doing the damning. You're splitting hairs, friend.

                    Dear Pastor,

                    upon stumbling on your website today i was deeply hurt and concerned for the information posted in your forum.

                    I am a Baptist Christian who daily appreciates Jesus for my personal salvation and the salvation of others, and I know of many Christians who were killed during the recent tragedies in Saoma, Indonesia and the Philippines.

                    There is no reason to assume that the recent tragedies killed only the unworthy, in fact if you read the scriptures correctly we are all worthy of God's love even in our actions do not warrant it, that is the true foundation of God's grace in our lives.

                    We are called to love as Jesus loved, not to hate and show judgement. I can only hope and pray that upon reading the gospels that God's love will touch the hearts of those posting on your forums to see that this is a time that we need to pray for those effected by tragedy and show Christ's love for them, we the church are called to be the body of Christ and I pray that your church will be able to do so.

                    you will be in my prayers.


                    God bless you and thank you for your email.

                    If those friends of yours were as saved as you say they are, then they are home with Jesus right now. You should be happy that they were killed. The fact that you are lamenting their loss tells me that you are harboring doubts. Doubt is the enemy of faith so you need to push those nasty thoughts away. This is a joyous occasion!

                    Now I can't tell from your email whether you are doubting your friends' salvation, whether you are doubting God's plan, or if your doubts lie somewhere else. Why don't you sign up and join our forum at http://www.landoverbaptist.net/ and let us know what's troubling you.

                    Yours in Christ,
                    Pastor Billy-Reuben
                    Hello, my name is Chris. I noticed that over the years you have had juggalos post in your forum. I am gouing to say that I was a former juggalo and am no loger a juggalo and have chosen to follow Christ. I may get some flack for this but I found Christ through the music of the Insane Clown Posse. I know what you are thinking. Well it was no accident but their music led me out of the lifestyle of what would be called a juggalo. Over the summer I posted a documentary on Youtube exposing them as a cult. They say that they believe in God, but what God do they believe in?

                    What I did was research further into their beliefs and used their own words against them to prove that they are not what they say they are and how they are misleading our youth. Please understand that if you cannot handle violence and cuss words, these videos are not for you. I couldn't figure out a way to edit this as I am not a professional. But in them I did use bible scriptures to refute what they say. Some people may say I did a hack job but I tried to do this in an unbised fashion as mmuch as I could.

                    You may ask yourself, how was I able to find God through all that darkness? Are you confused? No, I am not. At one time, I thought that they were the best thing in the world. No one could tell me otherwise. What really led me to Christ was the fact that I wasn't accepted by the juggalo culture anymore. They didn't consider me family.

                    In life all we are looking for is acceptance and trying to fit where we belong. That is part of our hum,an nature. At the time I was young and rebelled against authority and didn't care what anyone thought because I thought it was the cool thing to do. I saw other people like this, so I followed like the blind leading the blind. When Insane Clown Posse started telling their fans that the Carnival is God and that they were one big family is when I started having my doubts. I understood that friends can be there for you like family but they can turn their backs also.
                    I went to the Gathering of the Juggalos in 2004 and at this event is when I realized that this lifestyle wasn't for me anymore. I had been left ant a secluded campground by people that I thought were my friends and I had trusted. Well, that all chamged. My doubts had been answered. It was never God's will for me to be with these people. It was His will to live my life for his purpose. My ultimate question in the video was how can you be a juggalo and claim to follow Christ atn the same time? It can't happen because darkness and light can't mix.
                    With all of this, I believe that God is preparing me to do a ministry involving juggalos and saving them from something that is leading them down a wroung path. I know it may be ironic for a man who follows Christ to do such a thing, but it grieves my spirit to see all these lost souls in the world,

                    Well I am going to post links to my videos and let them speak for themselves.

                    If you do manage to watch these videos, please leave feedback for me. I want to hear whatyou think and gibe me some Godly wisdom on this. Thanks in advance for your time.
                    Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
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                    Did I use a new word you've never heard? Definitions here. | Vote! Everything you need to vote here!


                    • #11
                      Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

                      pastor isaac is a dickhead, he is homophobic and a cooter you are all cooters and homophobic, i am gay and not a rapist and your just cooters tbh your views are old fashioned and even jesus himself was a) black and 2) possibly gay
                      Your opinion doesn't count for much...You think that the second letter of the alphabet is 2!
                      Hi Pastor,

                      thanks so much for this forum. I never knew there is such a vibrant, active Christian forum online, most forum I found were far from comprehensive.

                      I notice that I don't have to right to post on the forum as I want to say something to Rev Ezekiel

                      Dear InSight;

                      Praise Jesus and thank you for uplifting His name. I don't know why you aren't allowed to post on our forum. Have you done anything to offend God?

                      Please tell me about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? What Church do you attend?


                      --Pastor Ezekiel

                      Dear Father, my friend is convinced having an abortion is what is best for her at this point in her life. You and I and the rest of the Landover Baptist Church know otherwise. What she really needs is testimonials and opinions from other good Christian souls. Could I ask you to help me save a life? She needs to know what kind of sin this would be. It would make a world of difference if you could somehow ask the forum members to send her their opinions on the matter. Her email is ************ she is a student at mcgill university and a friend of mine. Please help and send as many emails as you can to this girl denouncing her future decision and maybe we can make a difference! She will be bitter to the help we are sending her at first, but make no regard to her replies. Thank you and God bless.
                      Visa, Mastercard, or American Express? - Jeb
                      DEARLY BELOVED IN CHRIST

                      Saturday, November 7, 2009 2:03 AM

                      From: "WORD ALIVE BIBLE MINISTRIES" <aknayak@bsnl.co.in>

                      To: undisclosed-recipientsDearly Beloved in Christ,

                      I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

                      WORD ALIVE BIBLE MINISTRIES is committed with the mission of saving Souls
                      from the Kingdom of satan into the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
                      Christ. My name is Pastor LEROT and it was really a great miracle
                      for person like me to get saved because I was the servant of my Father in
                      his Idol Worship and Since I got saved I have this Passion of reaching as
                      many Souls as Possible with the saving message of our Lord so that these
                      Souls do not perish.

                      I am excited to inform you that my Daddy who is an Idol Worshipper and my
                      Mother are now saved through the mighty Power of God , and they are
                      as well preaching the saving message of our God Praise God. Brethren in
                      Christ, what a Joy to see muslims renouncing their religion and
                      accepting the Good News of Kingdom. This year 2009, God has used me to win
                      several muslim Brothers and Sisters to the Lord and We are glad to see
                      what the Lord is doing through them.

                      We can work together to see that more and more Souls are saved from the
                      Kingdom of satan through your Support with materials we can reach more and
                      more Souls for Christ this year 2009. And I am writing you to help us with
                      TWO SUDY BIBLES and TEN GIANT PRINT BIBLES for Precious Souls who
                      need them and they cannot buy one because of their they can hardly feed
                      themselves and they are hungry for God's word.

                      These Precious Souls are above 50 years old and they cannot read small
                      character Bible and I pray that the Lord will use you and your Church to
                      meet this need for these Large Print Bibles.

                      And if you cannot help us with the entire Bibles requested for, whatever
                      you are able to help with will be highly appreciated because these Souls
                      are need of God's Word. We also have an Orphanage home and Please keep
                      praying for these
                      12 Precious Children whose Parents died of HIV/AIDS that God will use us
                      to bring them up to his Glory.

                      Looking forward to your reply soonest.

                      LEROT AGHOGHOVIA
                      WORD ALIVE BIBLE MINISTRIES
                      P.O.BOX 3479
                      BENIN CITY
                      EDO STATE

                      Dear Reverend Spearchucker.

                      Thank you for writing me today to admit your disgusting greed. I am sorry to tell you that Nigerians, commonly known as 'niggers', do not go to heaven. They are recycled to make tires and pave roads for white people.

                      Landover Baptist is the wealthiest church in the world. We are so rich we don't even use black paint. If you are trying to find an accomplice for your crooked deals, please call the Vatican. Do it soon before you die of the AIDS.

                      God hates you and so do we.
                      Pastor Ezekiel
                      I am of the Juggalo religion and i am disgusted and enraged by what i have read on this website. You've severely proved yourselves as nothing but hypocritical, ignorant bigots. Did any of you ever take the time to ask a Juggalo what our beliefs are? Did you ever stop and look beyond the violent lyrics to see the true messages depicted by the songs of Psycopathic Records?

                      Juggaloism is almost identical in it's belief structure to Christianity,
                      we have a Heaven called Shangri-La, we have a hell called Hells Pit. Our God is The Dark Carnival, which is the place of judgment of all souls. The ultimate goal of a Juggalo is to weed out the sinners of the world and see to it that they are punished for their sins.

                      But mark this, i DO NOT renounce nor discredit the Lord G
                      od Almighty, Jesus Christ, Allah, or any religious diety.
                      Dear Cretin,
                      You have failed by your own admission to follow the 1st Commandment. You will be cast, for all eternity, into the Pits of Brimstone, where demons will provide torture without remission.

                      In the circumstances you will understand if we ignore your idiocy.
                      ou know it's scum such as you that makes catholics also known as REAL CHRISTians look bad,at least I'm not being racist such as you and your C*M buddies.. you want to know reality Catholicisim is the religion started by GOD and we do not worship the Virgin Mary we offer respect to her and in reference to how we all are to treat Mary I suggest you look up Luke 1:26-55 (King James Version) Since we catholics use the same bible as you racists. And I will tell you that the only reason I"m approaching you is a clipping that came into a site I visit that had your users acting racist! I hope you do see the true light of GODS undying love
                      Dear Pastor, Thank you for your reply

                      I am twenty years old. The only picture I have on my new computer is attached.

                      Heres a little bit of my story:

                      I have always felt very religious based in my heart. I have always belived since the time I was a very small child that God was the only way. However, because of what happend to me I started to hate myself(never God) but I did turn my back on his will for a while. I was very permiscuious throughout my early teenage years. My father died when I was 18, and that really set me off becuase now I was never going to be able to confront him for what he did to me. I moved to Miami to run away from all my problems and secual deviances only to become worse off in a worse off place. Now not only was I still sleeping around, I was on drugs. That all changed when my mom suggested I move to MS to live close to her and I really got reconnected with my true self and relationship with God. I still have strong sexual passion but am now saving that to share with someone who is deserving and wants the same things from life as I do.

                      Do you have any advice?

                      Thank you.

                      Yes. Lose 20 pounds and then get back to me. - Jeb
                      Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
                      Got Questions? See Frequently Asked Questions, or use Forum Search, tag system, or our guides on Geography, History, Science, Comparative Religion, Civics, and Current Events.
                      Did I use a new word you've never heard? Definitions here. | Vote! Everything you need to vote here!


                      • #12
                        Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

                        Dear Pastor Ezekiel;

                        Why is your website instructing children on how to steal money from their parents? That is disgusting. If the parents choose not to give a PS3 to their children that is their division. The bottom of the page says that the site is not intended for viewers under 18, but that page is obviously directed to young children that do not understand what they are doing.

                        I request that you, in good moral standing, remove that page unless you can define a point in the Bible where bribing children with luxuries is an acceptable form of converting people.


                        Keith Randall
                        Dear Keith;

                        We are commanded by God Almighty to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ far and wide. Would you have us curtail our efforts on behalf of Christianity? It is our Christian duty to get as many souls Saved(c) as possible, by any means necessary! I don't know about you, but there is nothing that I wouldn't do to get a child to turn his life over to Christ and see him washed in Christ's blood.

                        Having reviewed the article in question, I see nothing wrong with it. Nowhere are children instructed to steal, nor is there any bribery apparent. If Jesus promises us a place at His table and eternal life in Heaven, what's a video game console?
                        Who Will Jesus Damn?

                        Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

                        Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

                        Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


                        • #13
                          Re: PASTOR'S MAILBAG! Back by popular request!

                          “I’m going down an unexpected path right now with my divorce. My sister and her family have invited me to Landover over the years and I’ve gone to some of the Christmas productions with them, but I found myself coming here for the past six or seven Sundays too. It’s so different than the church I grew up in. I went to a church in a small town south of here, and the preacher was a screamer. But Landover is a little more modern; the music and the messages are easier to grasp and understand. I like being here too—how you can come and have a cup of coffee and look at books that are helpful. And everyone has been so nice to me. It’s been a good experience in this difficult season.”
                          Harold Moore
                          Can we get some security over here? Landover Baptist does not allow divorcees. Sorry, Harold.
                          Christians are superior because we possess an understanding that unbelievers lack. It is through the Power of Jesus only the converted mind is able to understand what is going on in the world; what the Communists are really up to; what Satan's intentions are. Most unbelievers do not even believe in Satan and cannot understand his tactics.


