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  • #31
    Re: My thoughts.

    Originally posted by xtort View Post
    Yet you consider yourself part of said "organization". And YOU are asking Me for my funds. The question of monetary gain is not the aspect, you do though, hope to benefit from my death. Moreover you are asking me for my funds if I were to die. Therefore you want me to donate, to make your organization better, to suit your own needs better. Therefore YOU DO GAIN. Therefore it is greed. Don't dance around the subject and just accept that this is my opinion, and I am not attempting to make you think any different. But don't tell me that greed constricts itself to a financial aspect. Greed is all around us in many many many other forms than economics.
    Clearly, your nihilistic worldview leads you to suspect corruption wherever you look, as you cannot grasp the concept of working toward the greater good or a moral purpose.

    The Church cannot be made better; it can only perform more of God's Work, and bring God's Message of unconditional love to more people and save more souls. I do not gain from this; the Lord gains the Glory HE is due.

    Please do not accuse me of being an amoral, corrupt nihilist like you have chosen to be. Thank you.

    You do realize that you can still choose the Lord's path, instead of the broad path to eternal torture, right?


    • #32
      Re: My thoughts.

      Originally posted by Hairy Homer View Post
      Bloody Xians are troubling me.
      They trouble me too.

      They are called inverted commas because that is what everyone including the dictionaries calls them and that's what they are!
      Yes, that is what they are. You do seem rather vehement about it, though.

      It's a smallish point, I know, but if I were to be more t the point, I may be back in quarantine and that's no fun when Vinnie isn't there.
      Well, I'm not complaining! Vinnie not being here means a respite from his rude and slimy pickup attempts.
      You sure nothing else is troubling you? You seem rather irritable is all.

      Originally posted by OnYourKnees
      Last edited by Rachael Van Helsing; 05-14-2007, 05:16 AM.
      Wake up and smell the 21st Century!!


      • #33
        Re: My thoughts.

        On Your Knees, I just said that your request was of a greedy nature in my opinion. You may not think that it was, and that is fine with me. I never considered you to be a Nihilist, nor did I ever accuse you of being a Nihilist. I just think that it is very immoral to ask someone to kill themselves but be sure to give this church some money first. Come on man.


        • #34
          Re: My thoughts.

          Originally posted by OnYourKnees View Post
          Usually one puts quotation marks (that's what they're called, not "inverted commas") around someone else's work. So, I will assume you actually quoted someone else's work, which you did not credit.

          Plagiarism is stealing. Stealing is a sin.

          But your sources are so easy to mock. Have you even read any of the philosophy you mangle, or do you just worship your cartoons?

          We don't state a philosophy. We believe God's Word.

          You steal other people's ideas and pass them off as your own in loquacious diatribes, which you may or may not have actually written.

          Admittedly, I don't watch cartoons. If I were a preadolescent, I might. However, before trying to address the grownups, I'd probably do a little homework and find real sources, not cartoons and Swedish bands.

          Or rudeness, as Sister BTB has pointed out.

          If you are not with God, you are against God. You reject His Word, His Sacrifice, and His Love.

          Luke 11:23
          He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

          This explains your reliance upon cartoons for information. You have poor reading comprehension.

          Kindly re-read the banner at the top of the page. What does it say? Where does it say, "Unsaved Welcome"?
          I was wondering the same thing. It appears that it actually says "Unsaved Unwelcome. As Jesus Commanded."


          • #35
            Re: My thoughts.

            Originally posted by xtort View Post
            On Your Knees, I just said that your request was of a greedy nature in my opinion. You may not think that it was, and that is fine with me. I never considered you to be a Nihilist, nor did I ever accuse you of being a Nihilist. I just think that it is very immoral to ask someone to kill themselves but be sure to give this church some money first. Come on man.
            I didn't genuinely think you were calling me Nihilist, but rather corrupt and amoral.

            You are a self-described Nihilist. As such, you do not believe in the existence of morality or higher purpose. This, I believe, is why you take my suggestion that you leave your assets to the Church -- an organization focused upon both morality and higher purpose -- to be a corrupted, greedy action. You simply cannot comprehend the motives of someone who does not share your worldview.

            That's sad.

            I could argue that, since God created the universe, all of your assets are borrowed from Him anyway and should therefore be returned to Him to promote His work, but since you hate Him, I imagine that wouldn't matter to you.


            • #36
              Re: My thoughts.

              Yet that is a whole different question: "Did god create the universe?". I would venture a guess that you think he did, and through scripture and bible passages you are correct. Yet through science, technology, and years of reasearch, there are many different views on how we came to be and why we are here. I do not waste my time on either of these subjects. I would rather put the time, effort, and energy into enjoying our small time on this planet. Which in itself is a very difficult thing to do, due to all the hatred, greed, politics, conflicting organized religions, and general differences in our world (or His world as you may want to refer to it).

              Back to the point.

              "Please do not accuse me of being an amoral, corrupt nihilist like you have chosen to be.". This is what you said in your own words. I am not here to raise arguments, just here to learn. Please do not take my words so seriously, as they are mine and mine alone. In the future I shall attempt to phrase what is on my mind in a better manner as not to be misleading. If you feel as if I am accusing you of the above formentioned, then I apologize. In my opinion, one of your statements reflected a nature of greed, and that's why I asked my questions. I did not know where this organization stood in regards to the seven deadly sins (you may have a different name for them, and I apologize for using the catholic terminology, but that is what I would be more accustomed to). I just found it peculiar and was curious as to your motives. I feel as if I understand them a little bit better now, even though I may personally disagree, I still respect them.

              They are you views, opinions, and thoughts. I firmly believe that no one can ever take those away from you. Even if they conflict with one's own personal codes, I respect many different opinions, and I will not ask you to respect mine. For none of you could ever change my views, but you could give me education.


              • #37
                Re: My thoughts.

                And how could I hate god? Being a Nihilist, I do not believe in any diety, be it a christian god, a holy trinity, the islamic allah, the multiple hindu dieties, the wickan mother earth, or the historic greek gods. How can I hate that which I do not believe in. I guess a more valid statement would have been:

                "I could argue that, since my god created the universe, all of your assets are borrowed from him anyway and should therefore be returned to him to promote his work, but since you hate him (my god that is), I imagine that wouldn't matter to you."

                Yet in the end you are correct. It would never matter to me.


                • #38
                  Re: My thoughts.

                  Originally posted by xtort View Post
                  Yet in the end you are correct. It would never matter to me.
                  Now friend, when the glorious day comes when we Christians reclaim America what you believe in will matter, trust me. A two year stay in a Haliburton built re-education camp will get your attention.

                  Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

                  Hot Must ReadThreads!

                  Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


                  • #39
                    Re: My thoughts.

                    It is admirable to think that you could retake america. Yet I feel that I would admire it from a different perspective as you would. I would admire it from the aspect that our government is too flawed for my tastes, yet I am too lazy to attempt to change it due to the fact that I percieve our current system of government as a failure exponentially spiralling out of control.

                    Please elaborate as to what mean by "a Haliburton built re-education camp".


                    • #40
                      Re: My thoughts.

                      Originally posted by xtort View Post
                      Yet you consider yourself part of said "organization". And YOU are asking Me for my funds. The question of monetary gain is not the aspect, you do though, hope to benefit from my death. Moreover you are asking me for my funds if I were to die. Therefore you want me to donate, to make your organization better, to suit your own needs better. Therefore YOU DO GAIN. Therefore it is greed.
                      No. We are asking you to leave your money to the Lord's favourite Church, so that you might gain favour in His eyes. You would be gaining, not us. We're the ones being selfless here. Just look at Pastor Al.
                      Originally posted by Rachael Van Helsing View Post
                      You sure nothing else is troubling you? You seem rather irritable is all.
                      If you knew that eternal torture in the Lake of Fire awaited you, you'd be rather irritable too! Oh, wait, you do, and you are.
                      Originally posted by xtort View Post
                      I did not know where this organization stood in regards to the seven deadly sins (you may have a different name for them, and I apologize for using the catholic terminology, but that is what I would be more accustomed to).
                      Oh, you were diddled by the Mary-Worshippers as a boy. That explains everything. If I'd spent my childhood munching on pretend Jesus crackers while some deranged Papist explained to me that the Queen of Heaven wanted him to put his hands up my dress, I'd probably be a nihilist too.
                      Originally posted by xtort View Post
                      Please elaborate as to what mean by "a Haliburton built re-education camp".
                      National Security.
                      O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

                      God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


                      • #41
                        Re: My thoughts.

                        Originally posted by OnYourKnees View Post
                        Really? Never heard the term used. Ever. In 35 years. Probably because I'm American, and it's a British term.

                        But I'll take your word on it, since apparently you know all. Except Jesus, the only thing that matters.

                        Will your professed superiority serve you well as you are roasting in eternal Hellfire?

                        He acknowledged that he cut and pasted it from another forum. So perhaps it's his, perhaps it's not. PTFA.

                        That'd be what I was pointing out to him, asking where it said, as he stated, "Unsaved Welcome".

                        Again, PTFA. Or get that matted hair out of your eyes.

                        I could ask the same.
                        You've never heard the term? You astonish me. I thought "Quotation Marks" was the British term and "Inverted Commas" the American. The dictionaries I've looked at don't mention that "inverted commas" is a British expression. All the other Americans that I've come across have heard of it. It's an everday expression.

                        Do you have any evidence for it being a British term?

                        >>He acknowledged that he cut and pasted it from another forum. So perhaps it's his, perhaps it's not.<<
                        Exactly. Exactly. And he put quotation marks around it. Whichever way you look at it he cannot possibly be plagiarising.

                        If it's not his the quotation marks make it's plain that he's quoting -- don't they? And his saying he got it from somewhere else also is an acknowledgement of the same.

                        If it is his he can't possibly plagiarise it.

                        I had an article stolen from a web site I once did and put on another site. The smartalec who did it, placed a notice on the top -- "This article has been blatantly stolen from xx site".

                        He was guilty of copyright infringement but not of plagiarism. By admitting that he'd stolen it, he couldn't be plagiarising. Are you confusing plagiarism with copyright infringement? Many seem to.

                        So I made a slight error with the Unsaved Unwelcome thing.

                        And you were being pedantic about a minor typo.

                        If you were to give the church a dollar everytime you feel the urge to be absurdly pedantic over some unimportant term, typo, or spelling mistake, instead of posting it, you would make them rich and stop wasting bandwidth on the forum as well.


                        • #42
                          Re: My thoughts.

                          Originally posted by xtort View Post
                          It is admirable to think that you could retake america. Yet I feel that I would admire it from a different perspective as you would. I would admire it from the aspect that our government is too flawed for my tastes, yet I am too lazy to attempt to change it due to the fact that I percieve our current system of government as a failure exponentially spiralling out of control.
                          Oddly enough we agree on this point. The US Federal government is unfair to Christians by not being a theocracy. However we have been working to correct this by getting Bush elected and the government filled with properly public minded Christian appointees. When the terrorists set off that dirty bomb in Los Vegas next September Bush will be able to declare marshal law across the United States and appoint himself president for life (so we can stay the course)

                          Originally posted by xtort View Post
                          Please elaborate as to what mean by "a Haliburton built re-education camp".
                          Well, I would think it would be obvious enough but why ruin a surprise.:;-):

                          Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

                          Hot Must ReadThreads!

                          Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


                          • #43
                            Re: My thoughts.

                            Originally posted by Hairy Homer View Post
                            You've never heard the term? You astonish me. I thought "Quotation Marks" was the British term and "Inverted Commas" the American. The dictionaries I've looked at don't mention that "inverted commas" is a British expression. All the other Americans that I've come across have heard of it. It's an everday expression.

                            Do you have any evidence for it being a British term?

                            {endless yammering}

                            And you were being pedantic about a minor typo.

                            If you were to give the church a dollar everytime you feel the urge to be absurdly pedantic over some unimportant term, typo, or spelling mistake, instead of posting it, you would make them rich and stop wasting bandwidth on the forum as well.
                            This coming from the person writing scads of posts about it? Goodness, you're nearly as loquacious as you are tiresome. But since you've made an assertion, doubtless correct seeing your expansive worldly wisdom, I suppose we should test it out.

                            Let's see what we get on the first page of hits on Google, shall we? Apparently you've looked at none of these dictionaries:


                            in·vert·ed comma (n-vûrtd)
                            n. Chiefly British A quotation mark.
                            Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

                            in·vert·ed comma (ĭn-vûr'tĭd)
                            n. Chiefly British.
                            A quotation mark.
                            YourDictionary helps you find definitions, meanings, etymologies, related words, and more.

                            inverted comma definition

                            Chiefly British A quotation mark.

                            Noun: inverted comma
                            Usage: Brit (=quotation mark)
                            1. A punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else
                              - quotation mark, quote

                            Kenneth G. Wilson (1923–). The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993. COMMA 2, INVERTED Inverted commas are quotation marks, double or single, in British English.

                            Main Entry: inverted comma Function: noun Date: 1789 chiefly British :quotation mark
                            Now, who's derailed this thread about saving this young cartoon-lover from eternal damnation and turned it into an endless rant about punctuation? This forum is a place to share the Truth about God and Jesus, not for you to endlessly demonstrate your (largely imaginary, it'd seem) book-smarts and attempt to insult the good Christian folk who value Good Book-smarts instead.

                            Get a haircut, get a life, and get Jesus. Not necessarily in that order.

                            May we get back to our cartoon fetishist, now? Thank you.
                            Last edited by OnYourKnees; 05-14-2007, 03:45 PM.


                            • #44
                              Re: My thoughts.

                              Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post
                              Oddly enough we agree on this point. The US Federal government is unfair to Christians by not being a theocracy. However we have been working to correct this by getting Bush elected and the government filled with properly public minded Christian appointees. When the terrorists set off that dirty bomb in Los Vegas next September Bush will be able to declare marshal law across the United States and appoint himself president for life (so we can stay the course)

                              Well, I would think it would be obvious enough but why ruin a surprise.:;-):

                              Do you understand what America was founded upon.

                              Freedom is not the ability to be free to be dumb.

                              I am honestly astonished and cannot believe that there are so many people that actually think in this mentality.

                              (By the way, I appreciate the less common spelling of Las Vigas. Please use some decent grammar, I'm not picky, but you honestly make yourself look bad.)


                              • #45
                                Re: My thoughts.

                                Originally posted by xtort View Post
                                Freedom is not the ability to be free to be dumb.
                                You seem to practice the liberty of being dumb all the time. Well, not all the time.
                                Last edited by tommy; 05-14-2007, 11:26 PM.
                                The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.
                                Exodus 15:3

