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  • #46
    Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

    I think you should have your facts straight about Iceland, we really are not eskimos. We are originally Norwegian immigrants. Our prime minister is lesbian but our president is straight and married. You really should watch Lazy Town. It's no worse than other childrens shows but it's hardly about pedophilia. The Lil john video I saw posted on here is of his own making and not part of the show. Tasteless but funny. Not that I'd expect much of a sense of humor here. Maybe you wonder why all the icelanders are posting in your forum, there is a link to it on one of our "funny links" pages because we do have have a sense of humor.

    Earthquakes are quite frequent in Iceland but we build sturdy low rise houses so there is really not much danger from them. A tsunami would be more scary so pray for that if you want it to work. The jokulhlaup is hardly threatening either as there are very few towns even close to a glacier (you do know jokull means glacier right ?), Reykjavík is not one of them. Just want to help you out in your prayers for my destruction. Just know that we build sturdy houses and we have excellent emergency teams unlike Haiti. People have survived the sometimes harsh conditions here for a thousand years.

    Now if you do want your prayers to work maybe pray for the island to float off the edge of the earth.

    I really find it funny that you critisize Martin Luthers antisemitism as you are obviously far from tolerant people yourselves. I have never worshipped the man on the stick ™ myself.

    I have a question for you though:

    Why do you not pray for the salvation of Iceland rather than its destruction ?


    • #47
      Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

      Oh I forgot one thing, just because Gordon Brown used an anti terrorist legislation to freeze the assets of a corrupt Icelandic bank in England does not mean that there is a terrorist group in Iceland. It was, and still is, an economic dispute, has nothing to do with violent religious extremists (which is what I presume you mean when you speak of terrorist).


      • #48
        Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

        I for one, an icelandic citizen, am pleased to hear that finally something will be done about this sinful abomination that regretfully i am forced to call home. For decades now, our once peaceful and religious community has been transformed into Sodom and Gomorra, filled with faggots,lesbians,heretics and to the brim with sin(our head of government is a lesbian and she is leading us straight into the fires of hell and EU).

        Gay pride is celebrated here as if it were something to be proud of, just as one were to parade the plague or some mental illness through our streets. This is merely an example of the abominations committed throughout iceland.

        I will pray with you for a swift death for myself and the faithful so that we can be welcomed into the arms of our saviour and a slow and painful one for sinners and faggots that reside here.



        • #49
          Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

          I cast on the a tragic accident in near coming future.
          And may all the demons with in me bring that to your suffering.


          • #50
            Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

            Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again, and share the gospel with Muslims.

            And you think we have a problem, you should think for yourself if I were you for once.


            • #51
              Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

              Originally posted by Kristjon Johannsson View Post
              I will pray with you for a swift death for myself and the faithful so that we can be welcomed into the arms of our saviour and a slow and painful one for sinners and faggots that reside here.
              Oh! Excellent. You're obviously one of the select who our Lord will spare from aeternal damnation. Which Baptist Church do you attend?

              I loved Newt before Newt was invincible


              • #52
                Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                Originally posted by Kristjon Johannsson View Post
                I for one, an icelandic citizen, am pleased to hear that finally something will be done about this sinful abomination that regretfully i am forced to call home. For decades now, our once peaceful and religious community has been transformed into Sodom and Gomorra, filled with faggots,lesbians,heretics and to the brim with sin(our head of government is a lesbian and she is leading us straight into the fires of hell and EU).

                Gay pride is celebrated here as if it were something to be proud of, just as one were to parade the plague or some mental illness through our streets. This is merely an example of the abominations committed throughout iceland.

                I will pray with you for a swift death for myself and the faithful so that we can be welcomed into the arms of our saviour and a slow and painful one for sinners and faggots that reside here.

                Praise~! It's good to know that there's at least one person in Iceland who has her head screwed on straight!
                May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


                • #53
                  Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                  P.S there are under 20 muslime here on the ice you sick f...


                  • #54
                    Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                    i kill you


                    • #55
                      Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                      I love ( True Christian™ ) its Trade marked

                      I guess this money scheme is quite funny, but since the ppl of the Baptist Church are this stupid they deserve their money to be taken from them

                      Props to the founders


                      • #56
                        Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                        Question do you ultra Christians believe that God has decided in advance what will happen to each and one person?


                        • #57
                          Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                          Originally posted by Hersir View Post
                          Ha! Iceland is an island raised from the sea by the gods themselves. Your whore of a deity has no power in the eternal North!
                          Impossible. God is all-powerful. Unless you have iron chariots, but I'm pretty sure Iceland doesn't have technology that advanced yet.
                          Originally posted by Kristjon Johannsson View Post
                          I for one, an icelandic citizen, am pleased to hear that finally something will be done about this sinful abomination that regretfully i am forced to call home. For decades now, our once peaceful and religious community has been transformed into Sodom and Gomorra, filled with faggots,lesbians,heretics and to the brim with sin(our head of government is a lesbian and she is leading us straight into the fires of hell and EU).

                          Gay pride is celebrated here as if it were something to be proud of, just as one were to parade the plague or some mental illness through our streets. This is merely an example of the abominations committed throughout iceland.

                          I will pray with you for a swift death for myself and the faithful so that we can be welcomed into the arms of our saviour and a slow and painful one for sinners and faggots that reside here.

                          Hallelujah! It's good to hear that there's at least one decent, right-thinking person left in that hellhole.
                          Originally posted by isafold666 View Post
                          P.S there are under 20 muslime here on the ice you sick f...
                          Really? That's pretty scary. What are they doing?
                          O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

                          God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


                          • #58
                            Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                            Brother Temperance you say God is All-powerfull....

                            Is that true ?

                            If so answer me this...

                            Can God make so big of a stone that him self cant even move it ?


                            • #59
                              Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                              Originally posted by IcelandDemon View Post
                              Brother Temperance you say God is All-powerfull....

                              Is that true ?

                              If so answer me this...

                              Can God make so big of a stone that him self cant even move it ?
                              Stop embarrassing yourself. While Icelanders were dieing from one of their frequent famines, the rest of the civilized world was handing that word game over to their children for them to solve (and they always did).

                              I loved Newt before Newt was invincible


                              • #60
                                Re: Please pray for a tsunami/earthquake/volcano to strike Reykja

                                Well I just feel sorry for you guys, you really should question your faith, and see if its no just money scheme.

                                If you are not allowed to questions your faith there must be a reason why.

                                Praying for a tsunami earthquake or volcano on 70% of a nation is something God would not want that sort of suffering is on a satanic level.

                                I am ready to debate you about religion or "god" all the way, and I know I will win because you are kept oblivious.

                                I dont know how you discovered Baptist Church, but I can tell you a little story.
                                A young couple are cooking dinner, and the girl is cooking ham.
                                The man asks her: " why do you cut the ends of the ham ?"
                                the girl answers : " thats how my mum does it "
                                the girls mom was coming over for a dinner so when she got there
                                the young man asks her " Why do you always cut the ends of the ham when you cook it "
                                the girl mom answers " well my mom cooks it like this "
                                So the young man called the old lady and says " ok I just have to find out why do you cut the ends of the ham ? "
                                Do you know what the old lady said ?
                                :"My pan was to little !"

                                So doing something because someone else does or tells you, doesnt make it right.
                                If the baptist church is the "true christian (Trade marked)" then they should not be afraid of letting you observe other religions so you can make up your own mind as I have done.

                                Can you define what "God" is ?

